‘The UN Parks its Tanks on St Peter’s Square

VATICAN CITY: “Religion and science are united on the need for action on climate,” declared UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon at a papal climate summit in the Vatican this morning.
This statement is at best moot, at worst a risible and cynical inversion of the truth. But it does give us a pretty good idea of where the world’s most powerful bureaucracy stands on what it would like us to believe is the most important issue of the day: climate change is real – and what’s more even God now agrees…’
Also by Delingpole:
‘Vatican Heavies Silence Climate Heretics at UN Papal Summit’
Is it time for Catholics to take back their Church from the socialists yet?

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One Response to ‘The UN Parks its Tanks on St Peter’s Square

  1. Ronbo says:

    Actually nothing is new about the RCC sucking up to the Climate Nazis – There is a good reason The Roman Church has survived over 2,000 years – The Vatican always bends a knee to the most powerful secular power, which started with their sucking up to the totalitarian Roman “Christian” emperors in the 4th and 5th centuries.

    Read your Bible: Nothing new under the sun.

    Today the Climate Nazis.

    Yesterday the brutal Roman emporers.