Some people need to get a life:

Beach body poster row ‘Bomb threat over ‘offensive’ weight loss ad: Backlash over Protein World’s diet supplements intensifies’
The Brits manage to drum up more outrage over this than they did over the beheading of a British soldier on a London street. The place is screwed.
UPDATE. It gets even more ludicrous:
”Beach body ready’ ads to be pulled down as watchdog intervenes
The Advertising Standards Authority will establish if the controversial ad for Protein World breaks harm and offence rules or is socially irresponsible.’
(bold mine)
An online poll in this article shows that 70+% of respondents regard the ad as no big deal. Commonsense is not dead. Yet.

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15 Responses to Some people need to get a life:

  1. G P says:

    If only it were 50,000 signatures against hate speech from muslims.

    People have to realise that all photos like this are retouched – shadows to slenderise waists and highlights to make boobs look bigger.

    • KG says:

      I find it hard to believe that anybody actually cares, G P.

      • Wombat says:

        In my youth I’ve known several girls who could have put her to shame.

        Do we hear men bitching about how the wrestling industry’s steroid abusing uberhulks set an unreasonable standard for our boys?

        No. Because we’re busy working for a living rather than pretending that social activism is the equivalent of unpaid volunteer work.

  2. Contempt says:

    She can shadow my highlights anytime she wants.

  3. KG says:

    The French have actually passed a law making it a criminal offence for companies to employ “too-thin” models.
    Meanwhile, we’re being subjected to a campaign aimed at persuading us that perambulating tubs of lard (not merely average size women) are somehow as attractive as the woman on that billboard.
    Well, they ain’t and never will be, and any sensible woman knows it. MEN decide what they regard as attractive in a woman as far as appearance goes, not women. Feminazis can like it or bloody well lump it.

    • Darin says:

      The girl in the advert is unrealistic,90% of the women walking by will never achieve that level of fit and 90% of the men walking by would never get her phone number.The protest is just rooted in jealousy by the natural fiber wearing muffin top brigade.

      The too thin model thing is a symptom of a “fashion” industry that is ran by and large by gay men,Proof of this is watching some of the idiotic stuff they send down the runway.

      Personally I don’t care one bit if a girl is a few pounds heavy so long as she’s healthy and takes care of herself.Those rail thin “Auschwitz”chic models they can keep,too much like walking skeletons

      • KG says:
        Most men I speak to on the subject seem to feel that way, Darin. And object to being told what they’re permitted to like by dykes in overalls and workboots.

    • G P says:

      ‘Meanwhile, we’re being subjected to a campaign aimed at persuading us that perambulating tubs of lard (not merely average size women) are somehow as attractive as the woman on that billboard.’

      Hip to waist is usually the guide:

      My figure used to be like that model’s and weight was not a problem as I’ve always worked out. After children it’s like Marilyn Munroe’s and I work out to maintain it. It is important to me for self-esteem and health in light of now having Hashimoto’s disease (auto-immune thyroid problem) which can make people gain a lot of weight. Yes, some people would say, “It’s so unfair and I’ll give up,” but not me. Of course life is unfair but some people just have to try harder and I made the choice a year ago to give up coke on the advice of my doctor so as not to become overweight or diabetic. I won’t drink stuff with artificial sweeteners because they are the worst and can cause metabolic syndrome and then it’s almost certain you’ll keep gaining weight.

      Be fat if you want to be – I don’t want to be

  4. k2 says:


    (Ignore those Islamic immigrants just entering the country.)

    • KG says:

      Yep. After all, the shape/weight of models is far more important….

      • Darin says:

        Hmm… that would make an interesting statement.Run the same ad,but with the model wearing a black potato sack and see what happens :twisted:

        Course you wouldn’t even need a real model,a coat rack would work just as good.

  5. Pascal says:

    Gee, what’s Critical Theory, who does it empower, and why should I care, grandpa? [repeat as often as needed]

    • KG says:

      Yeah, quite so, Pascal.

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Feminazis hate men, and are looking for anyway to find fault. Satan means accusser of the brethren and that’s what these people are the accusser of men.