‘Submit or die. Your fault if you choose wrong’

‘Islamist attack on Texas art exhibition. UPDATE: Muslim spokesman blames organisers
Kuranda Seyit, spokesman of the Islamic Council of Victoria, gives a disgraceful comment to the ABC, suggesting that people exercising their free speech brought on this attack through their “stupidity”:

This is really about baiting Muslims. It’s about you know venting hatred towards one religious community.  It is not about free speech. And it’s a ridiculous notion to have a competition offering $10,000 so someone can denigrate the prophet And they did this knowingly that this would upset lots and lot of Muslims in the community and tragically what we’ve got is a result of someone’s incompetence and stupidity to even run such an event. It is a shame and I very sad that this is happened, but if you do this, if you poke a dog with a stick it’s going to bite you.”

The message from muslims is clear: “self-censor or we will kill you”. Frighteningly, too many in the media and in government and government bureaucracies are perfectly willing to obey and to force us to obey.

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19 Responses to ‘Submit or die. Your fault if you choose wrong’

  1. Akatsukami says:

    Two dogs tried to bite yesterday. They were put down like the rabid beasts they were.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Andy Choudhary at his hilarious best…


    Oh wait, you mean he wasn’t joking? http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

    • Darin says:

      Anybody good with Photoshop?His picture with some concentric circles added would make an excellent rifle target. :twisted:

  3. Brown says:

    The Muslims are correct in that it was a Muslim baiting contest. With a score of 2-0 the organisers won.

  4. Muslims: “If you don’t agree that Islam is a religion of peace, we’ll kill you.”
    Main Stream Media: “If you persist in baiting the Muslims, they have every right to kill you. Now for the latest news on the ‘Piss Christ’ exhibition.”
    And neither group sees the contradiction.

    • KG says:

      Ah yes… I mentioned the “piss Christ” and “virgin in a condom” exhibits under a post below, Francis.
      I think they see the contradiction all right, but are relying on the supine media and the short attention span of the public in order to skate around it.

      • Ronbo says:

        Those days when the Leftist Lamestream Media could control the message are over in the Age of the Internet…Patriots know the truth , clean their weapons and prepare their tactical gear…It won’t be long now.

        I’m sure many posters here at not convinced the U.S. Secret Service launched a big time entrapment operation against the ever humble and meek little Ronbo.

        This operation involved dozens of local, state and federal law enforcement officers, a large motor pool of vehicles, electronic warfare and much else to include a large well appointed “safe” house in a quiet, upscale section of Danbury, Connecticut during April 21 to 28; a neighborhood that was put under para military occupation/lockdown for an entire week that included the closure of the Internet and telephone service.

        Did I mention three contract actors (mercs would be a better word) who posed as patriots and helpers of Ronbo? I’m still not sure of their game plan, but it looks like the SS wanted some type of conspiracy to be hatched between the three of us, which could be easily observed and documented by electronic means. Then the “helper bees” would throw off their masks and give testimony in court against ole Ronbo.

        But for some reason it didn’t happen…It surprised the heck out of ole Ronbo when he was allowed on the plane back to Seattle at JFK. I fully expected to be taken downtown NYC to the U.S. Attorney’s off ice and be indicted for…something.

        Seriously, today things in America have come to the point where the Feds could any Tom, Dick, Harry or Jane off the street, charged with some kind of federal offense, try that person, convict them and off to the GULAG you go! Stalin would be proud that at last America has come up to his standards of tyranny.

        My mind boggles at the taxpayer funds used to finance just this one federal sting operation!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

        …and this is just one small example of a federal government consumed by fear of the blowback from their exercise in tyranny. I suppose they think a pre-emptive attacks against those they believe leaders in he coming struggle will stop it from happening. It won’t.

        Rush Limbaugh remarked on the radio today that as few as one million Leftists make up America’s ruling oligarchy…ONE MILLION IN CONTROL OF 350 MILLION!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

        Like the French oligarchy in the late 1780s they see the revolution draw closer to them daily and daily they mount useless pre-emptive strikes against those they think are potential leaders in an insurrection against them because in their top down command and control structure. the Mr. Big(s) control the people below them. If one of these important leaders is taken out, a large monkey wrench has been thrown into their machinery of oppression and they think its true of the patriot side and cannot understand the Tea Party Movement is leaderless at this point.

        Yes, leaders will rise when the time comes and the TPM surfaces like a submarine at the right moment.

        A Japanese admiral who had been educated in America told his leaders that he would never invade America because there was a “gun behind every blade of grass.”

        Anyhow, today Ronbo sets foot lose and fancy free, but tomorrow? King Henry of England didn’t care for a certain high up priest and got drunk one night ending his rant by saying to his knights, “Who will rid me of the troublesome priest” Long story short, the knights murdered the “troublesome priest” in question.

        • Darin says:

          There will come a time Ron when if you’re not in trouble with the Feds,you’re doing something wrong.

  5. PC says:

    Oh, I see, those beheaded journalists “stupidly” annoyed ISIS. Those Christian schoolgirls were “stupidly” Christian and got their just deserts from Boko Haram. America was “stupidly” Western and upset the Boston bombers. Lee Rigby was “stupid” to wear a uniform in public that offended a couple of Muslim knuckle dragging cavemen. Twelve people were “stupid” enough to work for a magazine that published some pictures. People were “stupid” enough to stop for a decadent coffee in a Sydney café, two had to die for that. That’s Islam for you. Piss be upon it.

  6. Wombat says:

    “And it’s a ridiculous notion to have a competition offering $10,000 so someone can denigrate the prophet

    Let me correct you there, honey.

    “And it’s a ridiculous notion to have a competition offering $10,000 so someone can denigrate the an alleged prophet…”

  7. Wombat says:

    “…but if you do this, if you poke a dog with a stick it’s going to bite you.”

    Muslims are dogs.

    Hearing you loud and clear. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

    • Darin says:

      They are rabid dogs,rabid dogs should be put down before they have a chance to bite anybody.

  8. Odakyu-sen says:

    To question or criticize is not hatred–only a totalitarian would think otherwise.

    The Far East and the West have a long history of encouraging the competition of religions and ideologies–on the battlefield.

  9. Oswald Bastable says:

    One comment was ‘ best artwork there was the two chalk drawings on the concrete outside’