
‘Australian police have urged parents to keep a closer eye on their children and monitor social media activity, after foiling yet another alleged teenage terror plot.’
All parents, not just muslim parents.
Because any sensible person knows it’s also the sons and daughters of white European immigrants who are bombing and beheading and mutilating Westerners, right?


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One Response to Cowardice:

  1. Wombat says:

    “The identity of the teenager arrested on Friday has been suppressed, but according to the Sunday Herald Sun the family are Syrian migrants and the father is a doctor. The boy’s 21-year-old sister said he was a quiet boy who “would not hurt a fly”.

    On his Facebook page, he had written that Muslims should hate “kafir” (unbelievers) and that followers of Shia Islam were “not human”.

    Well. Whodathunkit?

    “The teenager’s sister told the Sunday Herald Sun he was a “kind, gentle and softly spoken” person who “never raises his voice” and wanted to follow his father into the medical profession. She dismissed his online comments, saying: “He’s 17, it’s just him being a keyboard warrior.”

    Yeah. I suppose he accidentally printed those pipe bombs out of his bubblejet printer.

    But seriously. Mothers day?

    God have mercy on these savages when they slip one of these shots past the goalkeeper, because there will be no mercy from me and mine.

    Incidents like this show that even when muslims are in a stable home in a stable country that their religious beliefs still compel them to violence.

    How many Buddhists are making pipe bombs in Greenvale FFS?