‘The Land of Heroes’

‘..Europe has faced darker days than this before. Every time a dragon has threatened, a hero has emerged to defeat it. Once again there is the faint smell of smoke in the air, as if something just out of sight is smouldering. War is on the horizon and our enemies are feeding the flames. They think they have won. They think we have no more heroes. They forget. Europe is the land of heroes.’
Iron Legion

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16 Responses to ‘The Land of Heroes’

  1. Ronbo says:

    Speaking of Europeans – The article on my blog was send to me by a good British friend I’ve known for many years. We met at the “Cross of St. George” website that in 2005 – before Britain started censorship – was quite open in calling for the overthrow of current British Regime.


    I’ve C&P ed the link on my blog, but the comments at the top of the page are mine and the only thing that makes sense: The orders for the white Biker Massacre in Waco, Texas could have only come from Obama, as that PD is one of the 25 local police departments federalized.

    No, I don’t have the smoking memo between Obama and the A.G. – but his bloody fingerprints are all over the bodies of the dead white Bikers.

    So in Baltimore this morning, Obama orders the PD to stand down and allow the black racist gangs the run of the country – Meanwhile in Waco, Obama orders the PD into heavily armed military footing with shoot to kill orders should armed white militia style folks attempt to peacefully mass in public.

    The message couldn’t be clearer!

    Obama and the Progressives have drawn First Blood in CW II!

    • Richard says:

      Ronbo, thank you for the link. I like the page. Stay the course. I bookmarked. I wanted to comment but no longer have G account or FakeBook for that matter.

      CR, sorry for jacking your page.

  2. G P says:

    I hate to say it but I think Britain is finished and to think they once ruled 40% of the world.

    In her letter to the Home Secretary, Commissioner Mary Ney said while it is hoped the costs of policing the marches will be met through a Home Office grant, the public money that has gone on dealing with the demonstrations could be ‘better spent’.

    ‘ “The town needs to move on and further events will be damaging both to community cohesion, and the ability of the town to recover.” ‘

    This comment made about the Rotheram rape gangs – not one shit given about the girls and young women. Britain is now an islamic outpost.


  3. KG says:

    “I hate to say it but I think Britain is finished and to think they once ruled 40% of the world.
    ….Britain is now an islamic outpost.”

    Yes, it is. And I won’t be at all surprised should Australia and NZ follow. After all, what’s to stop that happening?

    • G P says:

      If war comes KG I think a lot of British police officers will be assassinated by their own people for treason.

      • KG says:

        I bloody well hope so, G P. Time for justice, not law.

        • Darin says:

          All that’s needed to fix this is diesel and matches.If someone had raped my daughter there is nothing on Earth that would stop me taking justice against the perps and their enablers.Apparently the only thing there is a shortage of in the UK these days is manhood and righteous vengeance. :evil:

          • KG says:

            “..the only thing there is a shortage of in the UK these days is manhood and righteous vengeance.”
            And that’s the sad truth of it.

  4. Ronbo says:

    It is a dark time for the entire Anglosphere – We may go down – or the great English speaking nations of the world may at the beginning point of our heroic period – the issue is in doubt.

    But what I don’t doubt that the Old Guard of Liberty will go down with a sword in the hand and curse on the Lips:

    To kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet,
    And to be baited with the rabble’s curse.
    Though Birnam wood be come to Dunsinane,
    And thou opposed, being of no woman born,
    Yet I will try the last. Before my body
    I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff,
    And damn’d be him that first cries, “Hold, enough!”

  5. tranquil says:

    “Europe is the land of heroes.”

    That may have been true 100 or 200 years ago. It is sure as heck *not* true today.

    • KG says:

      They are still there, Tranquil. Should civil war come, they’ll make themselves known, I reckon.

      • Wombat says:

        There are future warlords presently mopping floors at McDonalds.

        Destiny is not without a sense of humour.

  6. Simon Wolfe says:

    Gentleman, and especially KG, thank you for your support and kind words.

    You caught me while I was travelling back from a deployment so I didn’t really have the chance to thank you and respond to the questions and comments.

    In response to some of the comments here:

    As to democracy, no we’re not interested in it at all, or even of being popular. We are only interested in what is right, not what the ill-informed majority think is right. At our core we are extremely militant traditionalists, but we have a place for those who simply wish to escape the modern world and return to a simpler life.

    Darin asked if we are the Knights Templar reborn. Although we cannot claim any sort of lineage, that’s a very good analogy. The Templars were conceived by two knights discussing ways to protect pilgrims travelling in the Holy Land. We’re very similar in that regard, but for us the Holy Land is Europe, given to us by God, for us and us alone. We also take a lot of inspiration from Corneliu Codreanu’s Iron Guard, aka The Legion of the Archangel Michael.

    We also include the wider European nation that spread across the globe and we admire and support your struggles wherever you are. In particular a few years ago I travelled around the South Island and still have a love for the place and the people.

    It seems some of you have come to the same conclusions as us: debating these clowns has not had any effect – not any appreciable effect anyway, and in the meantime we have seen the news reports from places like Rochdale and other infested cities. The time for talk and debate is over. Militant action is required, but it will be organised and thoughtful.

    KG, Ronbo, Wombat, Darin and others I may have missed, you have my thanks for your support.