Another overpaid leech with a uterus and a grudge:

1435391046619 This is simply prog envy politics:

Older white men paid double young ethnic women
Middle-aged white men might be sick of being cast as villains, but a report suggests they should check their privilege.
The Human Rights Commission has launched an interactive tool revealing the full extent of gender and racial inequality in the workplace…’
“Privilege” must be code for working harder, longer hours, being better qualified more experienced and not taking time off to play with babies..

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27 Responses to Another overpaid leech with a uterus and a grudge:

  1. mawm says:


    All the women with equal qualifications and years of service around me earn the same: that is those who work the same hours as me. However most take more paid sick leave.

    • KG says:

      My experience has almost always been that women doing the same job get the same pay, Mawm. Those few that didn’t weren’t producing as much as the males.
      I note that this parasite doesn’t compare her pay with that of a “young ethnic woman”….
      And I’d love to know how her productivity is measured.

    • mawm says:

      Forgot to mention – all the minorities around me earn the same.

  2. K2 says:

    If a US company relies on government contracts, women and what used to be called “minorities” will be hired before white male applicants even if not as qualified. They will receive faster pay raises, better opportunities and promotions than a white male hired with better qualifications at the same time. This has been going on for 30 years now in such companies. Which is why companies like Apple et al are being harangued to “do the right thing” and follow suit. After all, nobody protested the situation before.

    • Darin says:

      My father was passed up for promotion twice when he worked for Nasa.The first time it was a black woman,she was at least equal in ability and performance.The second time it was a lazy,black,male,college graduate…..who turned out to be functionally illiterate. That was 25 years ago,today white men aren’t welcome at Nasa.Of course they aren’t going anywhere,or doing anything of note,so it doesn’t matter anyway :evil:

  3. Mathew says:

    I don’t know why some of these people just don’t start calling for white males to be lined up and shot, after all they’re the source of all evil aren’t they, might as well just get it over with.

    Perhaps underneath all that squeaking on some level there’s an understanding that if you suddenly removed all the hated, bastard, scumbag [have i denigrated them enough?] white males in the world, what’ll step forth to fill the vacuum that the lovely ‘ethnic’ women and flamboyant gays won’t will lead to quite a bit of discomfort for these types.

    Perhaps as a long overdue lesson white males should just withdraw altogether and when the barbarian kicks down the door and prefers to out you over the the barrel instead of pretending you don’t look fat in that, a few might wake up to themselves.

  4. G P says:

    KG, I think it’s flippant or say women take time off work to play with babies, who will raise said babies? Raising children is the one of the hardest things you’ll ever do if you put in the time. I recall thinking that when the kids were small I used to think I was tired when I got home from work before children, and then realised that compared with raising kids I could do my former job standing on my head and it was a responsible job involving a lot of money. With the islamic threat we need all the non-muslim people we can get in this country and if women feel that child raising is viewed as just playing then they may well decide to not have any.

    I was in the fortunate position to be able to be with my kids whilst they were preschoolers because finances permitted that but all the mothers of preschoolers at my work have their kids in care. Having read some reports on what having kids in full-time care can do and how they can be quite stroppy because they have “defend” themselves from all the other kids made me rethink working. Some kids will sail through preschool care but for some it can be overwhelming and I think preschoolers like the security of a parent, be it mum or dad.

    I know fine, decent, white, middle-aged men who work their rings out and I even said to one at work last week that I thought he was wearing himself to a thread and was glad he was having a decent holiday. I’ve often told my best friend she needs to clone her husband because he’s a hard-working, chilled out type who lives and lets live but can turn from a pacifist to formidable foe if need be.

    The other thing is that statistics can be skewed to fit a particular shade of opinion and averages distorted through having a black swan event thrown in the mix.

    • mawm says:

      Yes, raising children is so hard; especially as they are turned over to the bread winner when he returns home. Can you imagine all that hardship of supermarket trolleys, gym, morning coffee with BFF, book club, the early gin. Tiring to say the least. Enough to turn down nocturnal sexual advances and the need for rejuvenating spas and weekends of finding yourself at holistic retreats. And by the way, good help is so hard to find these days; what are these Filipino women becoming!

      But as a stay at home dad…………..all these bored women………..

      • G P says:

        Done the supermarket, gotta eat; and went to the gym, never had any complaints about being in shape; but each of us shared having free time on our own.

        Coffee mornings, ugh, unless Playcentre counts but we were too busy supervising/interacting with the kids. I can read a book on my own, and can’t stand gin, spas or any of that stuff. A good haircut and some nice clothes – now you’re talking.

        When either sex is viewed in such a reductive way how can men and women live in harmony.

        If men are accused of being lazy and boorish who never want to help and only want to go out with their mates, then such dishonesty is bound to make men feel worthless too. Let’s be honest, it’s nice if dad can give mum a break after work and most men I know enjoy having the kids welcome them home even if they’re a little beat like mum, but isn’t that better to be a human jungle gym for half an hour than being greeted by sullen offspring who ignore you?

        Help with the kids will pay dividends because with any luck they’ll be fed and settled into bed and the couple can enjoy some adult conversation and anything else that may flow from that.

  5. G P says:

    Also, there was that episode on Cracker where Fitz nuts out at a woman saying she was under the yoke being paid 20 pounds per hour but paid her child minder 4 pounds per hour and her black cleaning woman 3 pounds and hour – that episode has always stuck in my mind. I doubt she could spot the irony.

  6. KG says:

    Yes, it was a flippant comment, G P. but it was because I’m so tired of this stuff. I’m on my way out, but more later.

  7. Darin says:

    Bill Burr on Motherhood-“any job you can do in your pajamas is not a difficult job” :mrgreen:


  8. dondiego says:

    We’ve seen what happens when white men withdraw their protection: Little white girls get repeatedly raped by pakistanis.

    A 3rd worlder at work was screaming profanities in my co-worker, a lady’s, face on Friday. Same prick I nearly got the sack over. Thanks to slags like Kristine Bartlet & that Meadows poofter I’m not allowed to “correct” said behaviour(s).

    I hope to see these sh!ts reap the harvest. Since white men are told we gotta work until we’re 70 (the biggest most blatant admission of youth & minority wimins FAILURE) I probably will.

  9. mara says:

    I just watched “Dancing with the stars” on TV. How long before we will have “Dancing with the partners? The World has gone mad and I am quite happy to get off. We will soon be considered bigots for saying that we think hetero relationships are normal. Why do we allow this to happen? I do my bit but nobody is listening.

    • KG says:

      Nobody bloody cares any more, Mara. It’s a descent into barbarism fuelled by apathy.

      • Darin says:

        It’s not that nobody cares,they are just worn down by the constant never ending drone of the tolerance industry.When you have 98% of the media pushing the agenda of 2% of the population and anyone who opposes them is belittled,berated and called bigots this is the end result.
        Whoever speaks out against the mob becomes the victim of the mob and everyone else just quietly walks past the beat down hoping the mob doesn’t see them.
        It’s gone so far that free speech and free enterprise have both come under fire all because to many emboldened the mob’s behavior by tolerating the behavior of the mob for too long.
        The best course of action is to be bold,be fearless and when you see someone being beat down by the mob,jump in with both feet and guns blazing.

  10. Yokel says:

    First Union general secretary Robert Reid is quoted as having said: “This leads to problems like intergenerational poverty, or entrapment in low-wage ghettos” when talking about alleged “underinvestment” in Maori education.

    Watch that word “INTERGENERATIONAL”. It looks like becoming a Hard Left favourite for the next decade or so. Do an internet search for it and note the number of times that it occurs with some form of “Equality” or “Equity” or even “Poverty”. All good clues that the word is being invented/hijacked by the Hard Left.

    Having read a few (too many) of these pages in the recent past, it looks like a further initiative to prevent hard workers from passing on the fruits of their labours to their children. Or maybe just another way of implementing the Communist manifesto that all property and wealth belongs to the State, is provided by the State to those whose needs are assessed by the State and is returned to the State on their death.

    • KG says:

      The State shall be thy Father and thy Mother..and thy Master.
      Kids will be used to it, and they won’t mind because they will have never known freedom.

      • Yokel says:


        It feels very lonely. I cannot have a sensible discussion with any family member (and my kids are adults with families of their own) on topics such as this. They have been Hard Left hard wired throughout their youth by “education” establishments and unrelenting media propaganda.

        • KG says:

          It’s very lonely, alright Yokel. There are others who feel the same way but mostly people seem to have withdrawn into a kind of numb resignation.
          I don’t know what the answer is, except to keep trying to spread the message about freedom and decent values.
          You’re sure as hell not alone.

  11. mara says:

    You and I care KG but we are a dying breed. Soon there will be nobody to fly the flag.

    • KG says:

      Well, Mara, at least we saw and enjoyed the best of it, eh?
      I won’t see what becomes of what we knew and I’m none too sad about that.