Taking McCain off the Protected Species list.

And about time too.
‘…McCain is worthy of criticism.  Because Donald Trump isn’t very smart and he’s only been a conservative for a few weeks, he attacked McCain in a stupid way.  But in every way this wartime hero has been a peacetime coward, caving into the liberal special interests in D.C. over the financial and national security interests of his constituents.’
The Freedom Fighter’s Journal has more.

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23 Responses to Taking McCain off the Protected Species list.

  1. john says:

    Sorry McCain but I think your “war hero” status reservoir just run dry.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif

  2. Pascal says:

    This lining up to announce Trump’s DQ has turned into farce.
    They WANT a third party ticket so the each of the members of this clown act don’t hafta win the presidency. Who wants it anyway more than Hillary? http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif :evil:

  3. Darin says:

    What he did or didn’t do during the war is debatable.What he has done since is clear as a bell,he’s a traitor against his fellow brothers in arms and a traitor against his fellow citizens.


    The controversy over what Trump said is once again a setup by the media IMO.

  4. john says:

    The Donald must be doing something right to attract so much odium at such an early stage in the campaign.

    • Wombat says:

      Time was, to stir up a Republican debate you had to utter progressive profanity.

      Now, to stir up a Republican debate, you have to utter conservative profanity.

      • Darin says:

        Yup,and I maintain that if nothing else is gained by Trump in the race,he will have shown us who NOT to vote for on the GOP side.

        • KG says:

          Damn right! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

        • Pascal says:

          Groan… We’ve got another one.


          To say that I detest the SSM far more than any of these SKUNCs is well beyond an understatement. I’m being polite tonight.

          • Darin says:

            Trump should apologize for attacking McCain’s service,it was a dumb move.You can make your point and stand hard on an issue,but going for a low blow like that is just a bad idea all around.It looks and sounds bad,conservatives don’t like it when the left does it to one of ours and we need to be consistent.Finally McCain for whatever else he is,his service was not a John Kerry band aid purple heart.Everything else McCain has done is fair game,just lay off his service.

            What Trump should have said was “I apologise for attacking McCain’s record,I respect his service in the military,but I take issue with the positions he has taken in the last 40 years,especially when he disrespected his constituents by calling them crazy and thinks America should be a third world door mat.

            After that he should very quickly get back on message and not mention McCain’s service anymore.All this will become is a media circus with the MSM all to willing to keep it in the news from now on.

  5. caleb says:

    I would vote Trump. I like Cruz but I think Trump has a better chance. I don’t dislike him because of his wealth and I’m sure he had to play the game to get where he is and his personality is certainly part of it too. I do believe he loves the USA and if he can smash up Washington and its Media then hes worth a try. Realistically its Bush or Trump or Hilary.

  6. Contempt says:

    Last night [Sunday] I listen to one of the more boring talkers who repeats his comments 3 times every time. Anyway it was about Trump’s war hero comment. Callers could only talk about was McCain a war hero, not his alliances with illegals, Ted Kennedy, Lindsay Graham etc. But what a person did many decades ago, *unless he was/is a bomber, a God Damn America American, oBowa supporter,* does not much matter. In ’08 I could not vote for oBowa because of his associations. Neither could I vote for McCain. So for the first time in my life, I did not vote for pres. But I did vote. What will be will be.