NZ’s ripoff electricity prices:

And the Environment Gestapo….
‘Elderly staying in bed to avoid turning the heater on
Age Concern Canterbury chief executive Simon Templeton said health workers had reported more older people were either going without heating to avoid high winter power bills or struggling to pay monthly bills as high as $500.
…Templeton said older people were fearful of Environment Canterbury (ECan) smoke spotters, who could initiate financial penalties if a wood burner emitted smoke for longer than 15 minutes after they were ignited…’

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17 Responses to NZ’s ripoff electricity prices:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Yeah, but KG, what’s a few dead old people when they’re saving the planet? Surely even we knuckledraggers can understand that some will have to be sacrificed for the rest to carry on?

    • KG says:

      Yep. Euthanize the old, abort the new. It’s the leftist dream.

      • K2 says:

        Euthanize the old, abort the new, import left voting barbarian welfare cases to make up for the population shortfall.

        There, fixed it for you.

    • Pascal says:

      Yep, a link to this is found in my Death Cult related file. Otherwise, I’ve nothing to add to your comment and KG’s.

  2. Wombat says:

    Sounds like someone needs to pay a visit to their local ECan office with a jerry can and a box of matches.

    Then, send them a fine in the mail because their office “emitted smoke for longer than 15 minutes after it was ignited”.

  3. Darin says:

    I followed the link to the smoke gestapo article.What a bunch of low bastards,jackboot policies like those only ever go into effect because there is always a sufficient supply of little Hitler wannabes to carry out the edicts.No smoke emission after 15 minutes?Shows they know nothing about combustion,just a bunch of pencil fiddling nazis.

    I can see why they don’t want to be spotted,if I ever caught one he’d need a proctologist with a chainsaw the remove the firewood from his arse.

  4. Cadwallader says:

    The E-can/Greenie policy is stupid and vile, but whether it has any impact will depend on how many “helpful, snitching” neighbours delight on reporting the behaviour of those with fires. Frankly, this is a nonsense and invites willful disobedience. “Burn baby burn!”

  5. Warren Tooley says:

    It gets worse, Cameron Brewer is suggesting that the AECT dividend, which goes to Auckland users of electricity, which is usually $300 per household. He says the full amount should go to the Council, and no one will mind.