‘Netherlands abandoning multiculturalism’

This is BIG news, but you won’t see the media giving it much play:
‘Famously progressive and permissive Holland has tried multiculturalism and decided that it just doesn’t work.
In a historic reversal, the Dutch are abandoning government policies in support of multiculturalism and demanding integration and acceptance of Dutch values from immigrants, mostly Muslims, who now constitute 6 percent of their population.
…Immigrants will be required to learn the Dutch language and no exceptions to obedience to Dutch law will be allowed for followers of sharia.  In addition, the government will stop subsidizing Muslims and making special criteria for their employment…and will ban the burqa…’ 

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24 Responses to ‘Netherlands abandoning multiculturalism’

  1. Ronbo says:


    “NO!” to the Sharia Law…”NO!” to the Burka…”NO!” to Muslims who refuse to learn Dutch and behave like normal people…

    The PC dominoes are beginning to fall in Europe…and as we all know what happens in Europe on Monday happens in the rest of the West World by Friday at the latest.

    Methinks the fateful PC Rubicon has been crossed…Onward to the civil wars!

  2. Darin says:

    Good! Bout f–king time!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    While this is a massive win for Geert Wilders after battling for many years, at 6%, it’s too late for closing the barn door. That’s 6% of the population who have been invited in on the basis their culture is at least equal to that of the Dutch, who were under no obligation to learn the Dutch language and for whom the only interactions they need have with the Dutch people is raping their wallets at the welfare office and raping their women in the streets.

    I also applaud the pronouncement that no exemptions will be afforded the followers of the sharia, however after decades of being instructed to offer such exemptions, the liberal judiciary in the Netherlands (I assume the Dutch judiciary is just as progressive as that of every other civilised nation), it will take generations for such dispensations and exemptions to be eradicated.

    At 6% the invaders have established a beach-head which will take a lot more than the passing of a law to eradicate. Aggressively deporting overstayers, illegals, and moslem criminals would be a good start.

    I’d be looking for Interior Minister Ronald Plasterk to find himself culturally-enriched at some point in the near future. I hope he’s talking to Geert Wilders about how to take on the muzzie filth and remain above ambient temperature.

    • KG says:

      I doubt the practical effectiveness of these measures too, Gantt. But what I welcome is the evidence of a shift in attitudes.
      Perhaps the German people will be able to force that same shift. Britain, I think, is a lost cause.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Absolutely, it’s heartening to see some sanity find its way into official policy, and one can only hope for a domino effect. Britain, of course, will not abandon its policy of multi-culturalismsurrender to the third world.

        As you say, the home of what was once the greatest empire the world has ever known, is lost. Its people over the past half-century having decided its culture and history are not worth preserving.

    • Pascal says:

      Awaiting to see reaction from the fascists in Brussels. Assassination is hardly out of the question. That is a word of Arabic origins. EU hand in muzzie glove.

  4. mawm says:

    I won’t be holding my breath waiting for these new policies to be put into place and enforced.

    • KG says:

      Me neither.

      • Yokel says:

        No need to hold your breath, the American Thinker and The Telegraph are behind the times. The Gatestone Institute report is dated 2011, as is the covering letter in Dutch to which it refers.

        What have we seen since? Any noticeable change in Dutch government appeasement to Islam? [I’m not standing on a high horse here, the British government’s appeasement is the same or worse.]

        I would suggest that the only thing that has changed is the vilification of Geert Wilders, and that has worsened over the four years since.

  5. Darin says:

    Also in the Netherlands today-


    Oh that is a sick feeling when that kind of stuff happens http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif

    • KG says:

      8O Well, that’d put a kink in your day.

    • mawm says:

      A real “Oh fuck…..” moment.

      How did they ever think that they could move that load sideways off an unstable platform.

      • Darin says:

        It was going fine until that,essentially giant sail they were handling got free of the barge at the bottom and once the stiff breeze caught it the center of gravity changed and over it went.

        They would have been much better off if they had used a spud barge for stability.

        • KG says:

          “They would have been much better off if they had used a spud barge for stability.”

  6. Wombat says:

    This may simply be part of the plan.

    Perhaps their goal was to import enough low IQ breeders to form a permanent underclass on the promise of a no-questions-asked cultural carte blanche. Then, later, they would close the barn door behind the imports and demand they toe the line.

    I wouldn’t put that kind of stupidity past the powers that be. I think they will quickly find that the muslims are a tad more stubborn than they expected.

    • Yokel says:

      I also think that the Left were planning something like that to use the Muslims to their own advantage. I am certain that the Muslims think they are using the Left to their advantage.

      Once their relationship has got beyond the “Isn’t it great that everybody’s a victim” phase they will discover one or two things that they disagree over, like who should be top dog and what to do with groups that only one side thinks is deserving of victimhood status (eg homosexuals, paedophiles, wimmin)

      I think I will invest in a secure vantage point and viewing platform. I may put a popcorn factory in the basement.

  7. Wombat says:

    “More specifically, the government will impose a ban on face-covering Islamic burqas as of January 1, 2013.”

    Is this a typo or what?

  8. KG says:

    Wednesday 05 August 2015
    ‘The Dutch cabinet on Friday approved a partial ban on wearing the face-covering Islamic veil, including in schools, hospitals and on public transport.
    A previous bill banning the burqa even on the street and dating from Mr Rutte’s last government, which was supported by anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders, will be withdrawn.
    The government said it “sees no reason for a general ban that would apply to all public places.”..’

  9. KG says:

    Meanwhile, this hand-wringing pseudo-Christian grovelbot is still in full surrender mode:
    ‘There is no need to “panic” about Muslim primary school teachers wearing the full-face veil in class, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Williams, has insisted.
    He said concerns that young children would struggle to learn from a woman whose face was covered were “largely misplaced” and that there are other ways to “read” what people are saying…’

    • Ronbo says:


      Muslim women TEACHERS?

      I take their husbands are not present!


      The shameless HARLOTS!

      I’ve a good mind to email the Grand Mullah of London about this major violation of the Sharia Law!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_mail.gif

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Rowan Williams is every bit the Marxist, Liberation-theologist as that Argentinian Marxist usurper of the Vatican.

      All I can say is, thank goodness for independent neighbourhood churches, not beholden to any of the international hierarchies or the World Council of Churches (yes it exists, and yes it is as much a nest of vipers and den of iniquity as the name suggests).

      The Presbyterians and Methodists are gone – ordaining women and poofs, teaching that heaven and hell are theoretical existences rather than actual destinations.

      The CofE is gone, thanks to Williams who is a ProgLib first, an abject surrenderer to his moslem overlords second, and leader of the Church a distant third.

      The Catholics are gone (not that they’re real Christians anyway).

      Jeez, I wonder why the muzrats are winning?