The future

‘..Students are increasingly seeking help for, and apparently having emotional crises over, problems of everyday life. Recent examples mentioned included a student who felt traumatized because her roommate had called her a “bitch” and two students who had sought counseling because they had seen a mouse in their off-campus apartment. The latter two also called the police, who kindly arrived and set a mousetrap for them.
Faculty at the meetings noted that students’ emotional fragility has become a serious problem when it comes to grading. Some said they had grown afraid to give low grades for poor performance, because of the subsequent emotional crises they would have to deal with in their offices…’    The rest of it

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32 Responses to The future

  1. Ronbo says:


  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    If this is the state of western civilisation, then I say bring on the collapse for it (a) cannot and (b) does not deserve to be saved.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Then what will it be replaced with Gantt. Marxist/Communism, Nazism, Feudal kings/queens or…?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Every society ends eventually. Every single one. And it always happens the same way. Alexander Tytler said it best (in 1776):

        • From bondage to spiritual faith,
        • From spiritual faith to great courage,
        • From courage to liberty,
        • From liberty to abundance,
        • From abundance to selfishness,
        • From selfishness to complacency,
        • From complacency to apathy,
        • From apathy to dependency,
        • From dependency back again to bondage.

        By my guess, we’re somewhere adrift of dependency and on our way back to bondage (which, historically, is the natural human condition). Although I suppose it could be argued we’re still in the selfishness/complacency portion of the cycle.

        • Warren Tooley says:

          Well Gantt, when I was in America, cause my dad had work there, this is what I did to their pledge:

          I pledge allegiance to the flag
          of the United States of Bankruptcy
          And to the debt for which it stands
          one nation under world government control
          indivisible with slavery and injustice for all

          Point is, if governments continue to waste and bankrupt themselves, the citizens will end up being debt slaves. I guess they didn’t quite get my point yet. So how accurate is my pledge.

          • Darin says:

            True Warren,but be warned,Key and Turnbull are the latest players angling to see the same thing happen in NZ and Australia.

            The road to Serfdom is quite wide and easy no?

            • Warren Tooley says:

              Darin, I’m not limiting it to America. Any country that bankrupts itself by ridiculous and wasteful government expenditure will make people slaves to the debt. Ronald Reagan got shot but recovered when he said that all of the income tax goes to the Federal Reserve, for the money that has been lend over the years. Anyhow your an American, how close is the pledge to the truth from your angle.

              • Darin says:

                We will always be Americans Warren,those of us that know the truth of the title.That won’t change come poverty, moslem usurper presidents what all.

                IF we had proper leadership the debt could be wiped out in a matter of years,our economy could once again be rebuilt and our standing in the world much improved.

                • Warren Tooley says:

                  Ok Darin, how would you wipe the debt in a few years? I’d really like to know? But yes, I do agree with the rest of what your saying. America has every natural resource, and a big market. This is why innovators come from America. You want to invent something, you have an idea, you want to try something, you have the resources to back you up, and a big market. Once people have grown up in such a system, its hard to knock it out of them. Their’s a reason why most inventors are Americans, and not Kiwis or Russians.

  3. Col. Bunny says:

    Two mice I would understand. But ONE mouse?!

  4. Tom says:

    God only knows how these people are going to cope when they get out into the real world.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Tom, by suing everyone who even slightly offends them. Lawyers, lawyers, lawyers.

  5. PC says:

    This is what happens when today’s yoof can’t find an app for it.

  6. MikeH says:

    This is what happens when “Zero Tolerance Policies”, in kindergarten through high school grades, indoctrinate young people into becoming pantywaist wussies who will always be dependent upon and subservient to authority figures.

    Of course, that’s just my opinion… I could be wrong.

  7. Robertv says:

    “It was very bad weather, the waves were big and the currents were powerful.

    “We don’t know the circumstances of why these two decided to go for a swim except that they were with a group of other women who raised the alarm when they failed to come out of the water.”

    And they were not that young (aged 33 and 36 ). I suppose alcohol and stupidity.

  8. mara says:

    I expect toddlers to whine and be obnoxious but I WILL NOT put up with it after that. If, as a teacher, I had to tolerate that behaviour, after one warning, I would taser the snivelling little snotters out of the classroom.

  9. Warren Tooley says:

    And what will happen to the dentists, for causing discomfort by pulling your teeth.

  10. Darin says:

    “Ok Darin, how would you wipe the debt in a few years?”

    End foreign aid except to true allies who need it.
    End the nearly $1Trillion/year in social welfare.
    End pensions to federal workers.
    End union participation in all federal jobs.
    End the DOE
    End the NEA
    End HUD
    End the EPA
    End OSHA
    End TSA
    End DHS
    End FEMA
    End the BLM
    End the IRS
    End the DEA
    End the BATF
    Terminate all federal workers associated with those then shuttered agencies.
    Decentralize military command to the appropriate stateside bases and establish joint command of our overseas bases.
    Begin a 20 year drawdown and closure of our overseas bases and reinvest the savings in a rebuilt nuclear deterrent and space based weapons platforms.(Iran should take less than 10 minutes to sort permanently)
    Sell off to the highest bidder all vacant government facilities.
    Get the government out of healthcare.
    Out of the bedroom and out of marriage.
    Enact a 20 year moratorium on immigration,we will still take all the Einsteins we can get,but Jose and Victor will have to cut grass in Mexico and Mohammad can stay home and blow up his neighbors over there.

    Keep the UN,but kick out any member nation that doesn’t mirror the Magna Carta and the USC.That would be 95% of them.

    Back the US dollar with Oil,NG,Coal,Gold and Uranium and then fully develop Thorium as our base load energy producer.

    If you like that,ask me about my plans for Education and the Military.

    • KG says:

      Darin for Prez!

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Well Darin, you did quite well. For one thing, I am a gold bug. Without gold nothing is going to get better. With gold as your currency or any commodity for that matter, your exports would have to equal imports. And the USA is constantly importing more than they export. So right their you’d eliminate the trade deficit which has an impact on the fiscal deficit.

        So a few more questions. When you abolish the IRS, would you have a national sales tax instead, or would you go back to tariffs as the constitution says tariffs for Washington D.C, or would you simply have a flat tax.

        Also in regards to welfare, would you just altogether leave people out in the cold, or would you give everybody less tax, and expect the savings to go to charities, or would you expect churches to do it in return for their tax status. Or would you put a time limit on welfare, or create welfare insurance.

        What I’m saying is very good so far, but their are a few details I’m curious on. Also I wouldn’t quite expect it to abolish the debt in a few years, but I would expect it to wipe the deficit and slowly wipe the debt. In fact if you used a gold standard, we could say to the Fed we don’t need you no more, which is what some nations are saying to the IMF and the world bank.

        • Darin says:

          Welfare I would phase out gradually,weed out the ones gaming the system first.Disability testing and means testing first.Drug testing second.All those failing are out in the cold with the option of job training.
          Many currently on welfare would benefit from having a job,get the economy moving,get them employed and the problem fixes itself.
          The ones who truly cannot help themselves can be taken care of by the States.There is no need for a federal apparatus,allow the states to collect the revenue and dispense it as needed.They were intended to be the laboratory of democracy,let’s let them experiment and learn from each other.
          Taxation,tax the sale of new mass produced consumer goods at a rate of 20%.The individual states can add on whatever percentage their residents decide is fair to run their local government.The fed can block grant 10% of it’s take back to any state or city in times of natural or manmade disaster.
          No tax on used goods,no tax on food or medicines.Tax remanufactured ,custom built or handmade items at 5%.This would be the biggest driver of small business and employment.Many might chose to buy a rebuilt car or fridge rather than pay the additional 15%,or they might want to buy a set of kitchen cabinets custom built by the three man shop down the street instead.We need a nation where full employment at a decent wage is attainable and a nation where employers compete for employees.
          Paying down the debt,buy back the oldest paper first and then don’t issue any new.We owe a lot,but we are also owed a lot.Start calling in those markers and again don’t issue anymore paper.
          A balanced budget amendment is a must,government must be reined in.
          Another Constitutional amendment needed is the national abolition of property tax.Once you own something be it business or private it is yours until you decide to dispose of it.A man is not free so long as he pays rent to his government.
          Trade imbalance,the currency manipulators like China would be faced with a leveling tariff,meaning any item they chose to import would be taxed until parity is reached with a domestically produced item. If a US made wash bucket costs $10 and a Chinese made one $2 there would be $8 tax added to the Chinese one,unless they un-peg their currency and allow open access to their market.
          It’s time we stop opening trade relations with countries that abuse their people,deny them basic human rights or are exporters of terror.Free and fair trade occurs between equals.
          Do you want to hear about dealing with the third world next?

            • Darin says:

              Okay,we are all well too familiar with the bad actors in the world,but there are a lot of small,poor nations that seem to pretty much mind their own business.
              I think we should offer them a way to raise their standard of living by offering them a deal.
              Give them the opportunity to adopt our body of law,property rights and Bill of Rights in exchange for the benefit of our technology and education.We give them a hand up so hopefully one day the number of free democratic republics in the world will finally outnumber the dictators and oligarchies.A system similar to the Monroe Doctrine designed with the mutual benefit of both nations in mind I think would be a success.

              As for the rest,if we stop coddling them and making backroom deals with their corrupt leaders,many I believe will be driven to change.If not and if they remain bad actors in the world and with their neighbors,then military action will obviously be the last resort.
              Stop all aid that does damage and allows the population to be larger than the land will support.Sometimes charity hurts and one of the surest ways to destroy a fragile local economy is to flood the area with charity.Give them only what they truly need for survival and allow them to work through problems for themselves.I remember reading a story about one African nation that had a fledgling economy startup in textile and clothes manufacturing,but shortly after the country was flooded with clothes donated by charities which inadvertently blew the bottom out of the local economy putting people who had climbed out of poverty back down at the bottom of the ladder.

  11. Warren Tooley says:

    Hi Darin, that sounds like music to my ears. The one thing I would have an issue with, is a property tax is constitutional. However, even on that point you are correct. You either own it or you don’t. And if you have to pay a tax to keep land, you don’t truly own it. And this isn’t just me that’s saying it, I have an American Barron’s law dictionary, and if you look up ownership, feudalism, allodial, everything I’ve said is confirmed. You either own the land tenurially, you are a tenant, you possess the land provided you keep to the conditions, like land tax. And allodially ownership means you actually truly own it. In the feudal era, people were being robbed, looted, murdered on their land, and made an agreement where this allodial title and tenurial title were created, and a title deed calls you or me a tenant. Their is a third kind of title called aboriginal, where it is not under the government, and the indigineous people can do as they please. So that’s what I’ve been trying to explain to kiwis here, you can only own silver and gold, if you can use it on conditions that is not owning, it is possessing, but they just can’t understand this, even when I have take my law dictionary with me.

    And I have a NZ law dictionary which proves this as well, when legal title, certificate of title, allodial, encumbrance, lien, land transfer and aboriginal are looked up, not making any of it up. So I’m saying is I agree with everything your saying, except a land tax is constitutional, but at the same time, all it proves is you can’t own a darn thing but gold and silver. In legalese, the State has an encumbrance on your land, and if you don’t pay their fee, they’ll take it from you. Bet none of you knew this. And with Agenda 21, they just might force you off of your so called land.

    Ok, so in regards to the third world, I would like to hear your points on that, however, before you do, I’m pretty sure the US owes more in debt than they are owed to the third world. Ok, so go for it.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      What I forgot is that the queen or feudal lord would protect you, they would have the allodial title, and you would have the tenurial title. And the certificate of title, or deed calls you or me the tenant, and lists all the encumbrances on it, meaning you lose if these people’s claims are not satisfied.

      • Darin says:

        Warren,one of the worst conditions an Aboriginal people can endure is living on a reservation with communal property.Unless an individual has the right to own the land it almost guarantees a life of poverty.
        This is what several American Indian tribes are burdened with.As one Navajo member said”how do you get a loan to build a house or a business if you don’t own the land?”As a result many of these people live on the reservation in abject,dehumanizing poverty.The same situation exists in the third world,no one can move up and out of poverty,because they are not tied to the land they live on.

  12. Warren Tooley says:

    Well actually, Darin, its interesting you say that, in my American Barron’s law dictionary, it doesn’t speak very highly of Indian land, and the rights they get. Now my Butterworth’s NZ law dictionary speaks very differently of the aboriginal title. And Maori here are given many special privileges. However, I do understand exactly what your saying, what’s the point of moving forward if your contribution is just part of the group’s.

    For instance when I went out with Leah, a Maori, the fact that I had a car, meant her whole family had the use of a car, or so they thought. That’s what happens when things are too group oriented. So not being able to get a loan falls into the same category, unless we can take your piece of the land from you if you don’t pay up, we aren’t going to give you the loan. So now I see the other side of the picture. In a divorce, Maori land can’t be taken. I thought lucky Maori, but that means they can’t just get a loan either.