How did mothers ever manage

without access to internationally certified lactation consultants?
Beyond lunacy, this is surreal.

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23 Responses to How did mothers ever manage

  1. mawm says:

    It is madness sanctioned by the UN. Even our MoH has regulations (toeing the UN line) that require any medical professional who comes into contact with a new mum to undergo ‘breast feeding” education. There are “certified lactation consultants” who spread the gospel – and gospel it is as there is extremely poor/no evidence to back up their claims. Google “The Innocenti Declaration”. A group of “policy makers” met at the evocatively named Ospedale degli Innocenti (Hospital of the Innocents) and came up with cr#p. The promotion of breastfeeding like this is more suitable for 3rd world countries to prevent malnutrition and diarrhoea diseases than for the developed world with good hygiene practices and educated mothers.

  2. Darin says:

    CDC spending nearly $1million to “Rid young men of rigid masculinity”

    “The project seeks to produce “healthy masculinities” in young black males in Pittsburgh, using a curriculum called “Manhood 2.0.” The curriculum involves “identifying examples of policing gender and sexuality” and teaches young men that masculinity is not about physical strength.”

  3. Wombat says:

    Most people with a functioning brain are well aware that every man and his dog who stand to make a dollar on the plight of the “refugees” are going to be demanding they receive every service known to man.

    Dump 10 million into breastfeeding support today and by tomorrow you’ll have a director and five consultants sucking up 9.95 million with a lone nurse on the payroll waiting at the airport for a plane ticket “they don’t have enough funding for”.

  4. GW says:

    My labbie could have used one of those consultants. She had a hell of a time managing 11 pups with only 8 nipples. Thankfully, there is finally help from the UN.

  5. D.T. says:

    When the missus had our son she tried breast feeding . She had plenty if milk but it wasn’t high quality so my son was always hungry . She saw nurses about it and they demanded she keep breast feeding him although by this stage her nipples were cracking . She was in agony at every feed so I told her to stop and we would feed him formula ( powder ) . When she informed the nurses of what she was doing they had meltdowns and once again tried to guilt her into breastfeeding. It goes without saying I decided to step in and sorted these harrigans out…I got the ” what would a man know ” , that’s when the missus grabbed me and dragged me out of the hospital before I could say or do anything . My missus explained to me on the way home that she saw the look in my eyes and how I was balling my fists . She knew all hell was going to break loose…suffice to say we fed my son powdered formula and he grew up healthy.

    • Wombat says:

      Those tin pot dictators in the midwifery wards may never know how close and often they’ve been to a punch in the snout.

      • mawm says:

        More like charlatans preying on the ignorance of innocent young women who desperately want to do no wrong to their child. The truth is that these harridans often sacrifice the child’s intellect, and the poor woman’s sexual function, for their dogma.

  6. Flashman says:

    Refugees: oxygen and a golden honeypot for taxpayer funded loons.

    Thinking about “internationally certified lactation consultants” makes me wish for a zombie apocalypse….

  7. Flashman says:

    OT Warning:

    Ever wondered what it must have looked like when the Goths crossed the Danube and overran the Western Empire?

    • KG says:

      Apparently, there are fears that many of them will freeze to death this winter…
      I can hardly sleep for thinking about it.

      • Wombat says:

        They might want to double the specs on their snowthrowers. I have a feeling they’ll be hitting a few patches of buried “red snow” when they start clearing the gutters this year.

    • Ronbo says:

      Yep! History repeats itself….

      In 375 A.D. the “multicultural socialist” Roman Emperor ordered the Legions to “stand down” and allow the Goths free passage across the mile wide Danube, which the Legions had successfully defended for hundreds of years….Gibbons – who knew everything worth knowing about the decline and fall of the Roman Empire – said this was the decisive turning point in the Fall of Rome.

  8. Yokel says:

    Someone’s got a bit shy about that linked article. The link above to the Australian gives me a “404 Page Not Found” error.