Great putdown:

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18 Responses to Great putdown:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:


  2. anon says:

    Yes this is great. But I ask you. Personally, is it not far more satisfying knowing that Jeremy Clarkson famously once decked this sideshow geek?

    Sure, a bowler once had a crack at his head, but he made money off that event. The man was always paid far too much to be loathsome. May his recompense long remain past tense.

  3. Ronbo says:

    When Trump starts the deportations of illegal aliens in 2017, I hope he adds a certain obnoxious naturalized American from Britain to the list…

  4. Redbaiter says:

    Morgan made another tweet saying “I wouldn’t let Carson operate on my brain”

    Someone responded “He’s a surgeon, not a proctologist.”


  5. Robertv says:

    But I don’t think Carson is the best option for the job. Or let’s put it like this , I think that none of them is .

  6. mawm says:

    Cruz appears to be the best option but in the meantime it is great watching the RNC and CNNMSNBC etc squirm. Balls in a vise!