Boycott the bastards

and others like them:
‘A large Scandinavian hotel chain is to banish pork from breakfast at the behest of the group owner’s wife — a globally active climate change campaigner.
With over 150 hotels and resorts across Norway and Sweden, Nordic Choice Hotels is a significant player in the Scandinavian market, but has lost faith in the power of free choice, forcing their guests to go green in the morning. The change comes just weeks after the United Nations pushed a report claiming to have linked bacon and sausages with cancer.
The chain has been steadily greening their food choices for nearly a decade, introducing Organic breakfast alternatives in 2007, and banning palm oil from their kitchens. Now pork products will be removed from the breakfast menu altogether, as the chain embraces a “new breakfast concept”. Although it is not clear what precisely will now replace bacon and sausages, it is understood to be a “healthy, plant-based” alternative.
And “muslim friendly”, no doubt….. (Thanks MAWM for the tip)

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11 Responses to Boycott the bastards

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    A day without bacon is like a day without sunshine…

  2. Darin says:

    I call BS on the climate change nonsense,this is about appeasing muslims.

  3. andy5759 says:

    Pork is the most nourishing and filling of meats. You can dine all day on pork, bacon for breakfast, pork pie for lunch, ham for tea, and a joint or chops for tea. Trotters, cheeks, tongue, ears are all delicacies. Make the case for pork!

    When the cnuts here tried encouraging restaurants to take salt cellars off their tables I nearly got arrested. What happened was that I went for a meal at a relatively pricey diner. I didn’t notice the absence of salt until my meal arrived, I asked for salt, over zealous waiter said it’s not allowed. I got up and walked to the door. I got assaulted by staff wanting me to pay. I refused. Police were called. Old Bill had a chuckle, staff backed down and offered me salt. I told them that I had lost my appetite, and would never dine here again – even for free. That made a paragraph in the local rag.

    • Darin says:

      From the article-“Though many praised us for the measure, the visitors’ feedback clearly emphasized that they still wanted bacon.”

      I’m calling bull shit on the “many praised us” part.They got their hand slapped and refuse to admit it.