And to think such babbling airheads vote!

‘..But with the socially progressive Malcolm Turnbull in charge, the game has changed and for many women, so has their vote … Women are hugely influential politically for one simple reason: women love to communicate. In person and on social media. All the time. About everything…’
Gawd ‘elp us! And there was I, thinking politics and Fairfax wimmin “writers” had reached Peak Stupidity…

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2 Responses to And to think such babbling airheads vote!

  1. MacDoctor says:

    No such thing as “peak stupidity”. It is an infinitely renewable resource. If you are ever running short, try parliament…

  2. Wombat says:

    Peak stupidity?

    I call it kindling. Undergrowth if you will. And we are long overdue for a bushfire.