This Pope is a dangerous progressive fool

or just a plain evil coward.
‘VATICAN CITY (AP) ” Pope Francis has called for a bold and creative strategy to deal with global migration, insisting that Europe has the means to absorb refugees without sacrificing its security or culture…’
He has the bloody nerve to spout this nonsense while churches across the M.E. are in flames and Christians are being slaughtered by the same ideology he expects Christian Europeans to welcome!

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8 Responses to This Pope is a dangerous progressive fool

  1. Ronbo says:

    We need a new Pope!

    This guy is Lenin’s Pope!

    …and where are the Borgias when we need their poison?

  2. Wombat says:

    Bought and paid for.

    • Ronbo says:

      The best Pope money can buy (for the Left) – heh?

      Well the thing is this commie became Pope by way of a Vatican bloodless coup conducted by key Cardinals – and the previous Pope – “The Panzer Pope” – was put to silence and exiled.

      So the tradition of waiting for the Pope to die has been changed to “When the Pope for POLITICAL reasons must be changed it can happen anytime.”

      I’d say the Argentine Yahoo has wore out his welcome on the throne of St. Peter, as the first requirement to be Pope is to be a Christian of the Catholic faith. Clearly this POS is a commie bastard! He has to go!

      Therefore, what’s good for the Leftist goose is good for the Rightist gander.

  3. Brown says:

    The Pope is wearing his theology on his sleeve. He’s arguably not Christian at all as he’s part of an empire that has made a point of doing everything the Bible says you shouldn’t do.

  4. The Pope’s prescription is particularly ironic considering the fortress-like walls and defenses of Vatican City.

    • Ronbo says:

      Yeah, walls and protection by the heavily armed Swiss Guards – the best hired soldiers in Europe.

      “Come out from behind your Vatican walls and guards, Pope, and talk man to man with the Muslim terrorists in Rome!”

  5. Bob says:

    Does any know how many refugees the Vatican City has taken or is planning to take? I can only find a reference to it taking one family of Christian Syrians in September 2015.