‘2 Corinthians’

‘..At the same time, these voters see in Mr. Trump a fierce independence, a willingness to speak the truth, no matter how awkward or how unpopular. They see a man who is persecuted for the things he says, yet he never backs down. They see a man who places conviction above convenience.
In other words, when evangelical voters look at Donald Trump navigating the 2016 Republican primary, they see themselves navigating the modern world…’
And giving the middle finger to the political class that has betrayed them.

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18 Responses to ‘2 Corinthians’

  1. KG says:

    On Oregon. PLEASE watch her.
    “This is not about the Bundys, not about the Hammonds”
    “It is time to defend the Republic”


    She nails what I believe is the most important truth of our time.

    • Darin says:

      She’s right,problem is getting anyone to do anything about it.Most are uneducated in Constitutional matters as are most of our elected officials.They don’t know what the Constitution says so even if something goes against it because of their ignorance they just assume all is well and go with the status quo.

      • MikeH says:

        Unfortunately, Darin, I believe you are spot on. A good many folks are too convinced they have no rights to redress against the government and the rest have no clue what redress even means.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      To my mind. If the Supreme court decided to go full retard and say “bear arms” means “the arms of a bear” would you sit back and say “oh well, I hope we get some better judges one day”.

      No. The plain letter of the law is clear. The hardest part is accepting that the time for peace is over.

      p.s. I’m listening to this woman as I type and I have to wonder if this is what Joan of Arc sounded like. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

    • pascal says:

      Do you really think Trump would be a dictator on the right?

      And even if we put aside all of Trump’s liberal stances as recorded in this video, what else do we have but his current telling us what we already know — that the Fed govt doesn’t give a damn about legitimate citizens. He’s always looking to make a deal, and is willing to say anything to win his way. Hell, he even holds having too strong a set of principles against Cruz because he’s refused to make deals.

      Ronbo, I know you know Sulla ended the socialism and Roman dilutions of Marius and eliminated as many Marians he could name, but the Roman republic was toast primarily because the populace was both diluted and easily bought off. We too are probably toast for many of the same reasons, but given what this salesman has said in years gone by and his admission that he loves to play to his audience’s fantasies, you can’t be seriously considering him to be the right-wing answering dictator to Obama. He appears to be more of the same.

      Now, if what you actually are aching for is Rev 2.0 to break out, then never-mind. [I’ve no illusions. A snowball has a better chance in hell than me making any headway with people who want to believe in Trump. But I may not be able to respond to any reaction to my rant for several days, so forgive me if I remains silent after this.]

      • Bo Chandler says:

        You’re at a poker table. You know the other players are cheating. Why not bet the farm on a good hand before you resort to flipping the table and shooting them all?

        That’s what voting Trump is all about.

  2. Brown says:

    Isn’t the Constitution wonderful and didn’t the people that drafted it have great vision about where power should reside. I like how things are developing in the US. If the individual states start to push back against the Feds its going to become very interesting to see how much muscle the Feds really can muster on any given day.

  3. Ronbo says:

    KG said,

    “She nails what I believe is the most important truth of our time.”

    As one who has solid republican ideals, I think Annie speaks right on, and if the nation could return to the chapter and verse of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights (1791) – we wouldn’t have perfection on earth, no utopia, no streets paved with gold, but we would have the best republic man could build on the wisdom of 2,000 plus years of human history.

    However, the world is papered over several miles deep with good constitutions – written and unwritten – by enlightened scholars – who really, really, REALLY did want to build something grand and lasting, but human nature is what it is – My favorite stage play and movie of the 1960s – “Camelot” – illustrated how the fallen nature of man will in the end always fucks up even the best of monarchies and republics.

    Like I learned from Aristotle – an enlightened dictator and a humane strong control government is about the best form of rule man will ever have…

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    That’s a beautiful speech and I could listen to it all day, but my response is … so what?

    She’s right; it’s time and I think some of the States are gearing up for what could be a Constitutional Crisis (individual States passing laws which nullify federal law for that State). But then what? I firmly believe there are two choices:
    1. armed rebellion
    2. Article V Convention to amend the Constitution, return power to the States and put the federal government back in its box.

    Those really are the only two choices. The federal government grew under each President except Calvin Coolidge. The rate of increase has exploded under Bush and Obama. Many Americans don’t even realise the gift they have in their Constitution, and (so long as it’s them being favoured) are quite happy for the federal government to ignore or trample it. There are only two choices for setting the Republic to rights. Else, it dies.

    Why does it matter to me, a Kiwi sat at the bottom of the world with absolutely no influence or say in the process? It’s quite simple. If the Republic dies, the light of freedom goes out for everyone.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      The problem is that the entire nation is held hostage to the national debt.

      The waterline is a hair’s breadth from spilling over the deck, and it creates an extremely powerful motivator to not rock the boat.

      The Liberty articles for example (being forced to balance the budget) would instantly obliterate the American dollar.

      This is not a question of wire-brushing the rust off and dabbing on some oil. The republic will have to be melted down and reforged.

  5. KG says:

    ” If the Republic dies, the light of freedom goes out for everyone.”

  6. KG says:

    ‘The Insurgency Has Only Just Begun –
    We Absorb Vilification and Ridicule As Fuel…’

    “What so frightens the conservative movement about Trump’s success is that he reveals just how thin the support for their ideas really is. His campaign is a rebuke to their institutions. It says the Republican Party doesn’t need all these think tanks, all this supposed policy expertise. It says look at these people calling themselves libertarians and conservatives, the ones in tassel-loafers and bow ties. Have they made you more free? Have their endless policy papers and studies and books conserved anything for you? These people are worthless. They are defunct.


    • Ronbo says:

      We patriot advanced scouts like me have been yelling this at the top of our voices for well over ten years, when it became apparent to everyone the Bush Administration and Republican Congress were pretty much on the same page as the Democrat Party except on foreign policy – and that a “Washington Cartel” (called by Cruz) had risen as America’s first oligarchy.

      One word: TREASON!

      In theory EVERYONE – political, bureaucrat, law enforcement agent, POST MAN, anyone who in any way works for or support the current Regime in power in Washington, D.C. is a FUCKING TRAITOR! The federal law on the statute books mandates DEATH for treason.

      …and the D.C. treason runs so deep and has so many willing soldiers and supporters that the only solution is to BURN THE MOTHERFUCKER DOWN!

      Then start anew with a Second Republic whose bureaucrats and politicians would be sacred straight after we patriots visit death and destruction to the previous members of the First Republic.