The leftist hatred of liberty

Democrats Castigate “Anti-Muslim” Speech in Proposed Legislation
The slippery slope to destroy America’s First Amendment and prohibit all discussion of Islamic terrorism.
…Once we start down this road, it will not be only gratuitous “insult” that is prohibited. Outlawed will be dissent on refugee and national security policy, as well as truthful comments about Islamic terrorism, Islamic persecution of religious minorities or human rights violations committed in the name of Islam…’
But first:
Yes, They Are Coming for Your Guns
It’s not paranoia if they’re really gunning for you.’

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16 Responses to The leftist hatred of liberty

  1. Bo Chandler says:

    Some days I think ‘maybe we can avoid a fight’.

    Then the left goes and pours more fuel on the fire.

    • KG says:

      I no longer wish to avoid a fight. There are debts to be paid, scores to settle. The anger now is nothing to do with politics, but a matter of the blood of my forefathers, of history and culture.
      Vengeance. Whatever the cost.

      • MikeH says:

        Well said KG. Very well said.

        I am tired of hearing about the shit storm looming on the horizon. If we are going to dance, then by God, lets dance. It is as though the syphilitic hermaphrodites are sitting back laughing; waiting for old age, diabetes, emphysema and their boring rhetorical bullshit to cheat me out of my chance at a little payback.

        As we use to say in the old country… Put up or shut up!!!

  2. Contempt says:

    They don’t have to come for your guns. All they got to do is take over the ammo manufacturers.

  3. Robertv says:

    Government can get away with all kind of fraud and crimes like climate change and economics because they brainwashed the majority of people by using government schools and presstitutes.

    How to educate misguided people

  4. Darin says:

    Hanging in the rafters of the main range shed where I shoot is a sign with the following-

    If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case; you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.
    — Sir Winston Churchill

    • KG says:

      “Police allegedly intimidated Johan into not going ahead with his protest and he wrote after their visit, “just had a visit from the police with the friendly request not to call for a meeting at the market tomorrow or Monday.” If a “friendly request” is enough to stop him protesting, then he’s going to learn the hard way that freedom ain’t free.

      • Yokel says:

        Or maybe this is the start of “reading between the lines”, and his readers will understand that it was neither friendly nor a request and that the meeting at the market should go ahead but that he couldn’t call for it just now.