Never mind oil, we’ve reached peak absurdity:

‘Experts’ Warn ‘Global Warming’ Making Pet Dogs Depressed’

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8 Responses to Never mind oil, we’ve reached peak absurdity:

  1. MacDoctor says:

    Indeed. My dog was telling me only the other day how depressed she was by human inaction over global warming. She perked up after I gave her a frozen bone…

  2. Robertv says:

    The Paris agreements a bad deal for the Constitution.

    Mr Groves 41:04

    Full Committee Hearing – Paris Climate Promise: A Bad Deal for America
    Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 – 10:00am
    Location: 2318 Rayburn House Office Building

    • KG says:

      Good link. Thanks, Robert.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      On the other hand, the Paris accord, having been entered into by the Emperor Barry I outside of Constitutional boundaries and thus not a ratified ‘Treaty’, can be torn up on Day 1, right after the Iran nuclear ‘accord’, by President Cruz.

  3. Ronbo says:

    The U.S. Constitution?

    Ah yes, an ancient document written by candle light in the late 18th century by white slave owners in order to keep the poor black man down.

    Indeed, the poor, oppressed blacks who have a president, Supreme Court Justice, at least one Senator, dozens of Congressmen, etc., etc.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Ye GODS! SPARE ME! what a complete load of horseshit! Any idiot who needs a therapist for their dog doesn’t deserve to have one.

    Oh BTW If you break it down psychotherapist becomes


    • Ronbo says:

      When I was in the Army my C.O. send me to a psychologist because I got in a bar fight with an Air Force sergeant at the NCO club late one Friday night – when drunk as a Lord, I told him that two things couldn’t fly – chickens and airmen! :-)

      Anyhow, the medical professional wasn’t interested in my drinking, my C.O. or the USAF, all he wanted to know was the best bar off base near Clark, AFB in the Philippines to pick up, “hot chicks.” :-)