In case you think these things aren’t coordinated

The latest “women get paid less” narrative fluff piece-

All three articles posted 20 hours ago.

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9 Responses to In case you think these things aren’t coordinated

  1. Ronbo says:

    Darin, I hate to rain on your parade, old buddy, but this has been going on for years….decades, in fact.

    I well recall in the early 1960s, as a teenager still living at home that all three major networks (ABC, NBC, CBS), the only the three television stations available in our small town, broadcast the same news stories on the evening news…maybe at a slightly different time…but over 90% the same stories.

    I remember discussing this with my mom and dad one night at dinner. My dad kind of smiled and kept eating and my mother said, “Ronald, did you wonder why you’re the only member of this family who watches the evening news? Son, the television news is all Democrat lies and propaganda.”

    So nothing has changed with the Lamestream Media; however, they have plenty of competition today and only small minority who can’t afford cable/Internet watch the evening news…

  2. KG says:

    Stuff goes out on the wire service feed the “news” outlets subscribe to and those items which fit their ideological slant get published.
    Not so much a conspiracy as laziness and economics, perhaps.

    • Darin says:

      They have been caught out before and I suspect this is fluff intended to support Hillary,her being an oppressed woman and all :roll:

  3. Contempt says:

    Wonder how an eBay seller of anything would be known by sex? Selling cosmetics? F. Auto parts? M? psychological texts? Bi-polar? LGBT?*

    *LGBT – long gone bitty titty

    Voted today in Repussy primary in South Carolina. There were maybe 12-15 names on the list. The event is a conundrum of perplexity. Trump who is or may be an outsider and who I gave $50 early on. Cruz who actually believes in God and don’t mind shuttin’ down the gooberment. Bush the arrogant son of an arrogant family only qualified to be presidents. It’s 1:33 PM on a nice Saturday so we don’t have long to wait. I was the 100th voter in my precinct. Bye y’all!

    • Darin says:

      Quite the spectacle ain’t it?I believe we could just paste all the names on a dartboard and let a blind deaf mute have a throw and do just as good at picking a new “leader”.

      • Ronbo says:

        It’s gonna be Trump – who I hope is a lawlessness SOB wearing jackboots who beats Obama and Left to a bloody pulp like Julius Caesar did to Pompey and his followers!

        I know it won’t happen, but I can’t help being an incurable romantic.

  4. dondiego says:

    I recognized this phenomena as child in N.Z. -Although our media was more limited than Uncle Ronbo’s (two tv channels and the main radio station of the district was AM).

    Only one Mon-Sat newspaper too~

    [Oh- happy Birthday for the other day too, KG]