NZ Herald recycles propaganda

from the Washington Post, as an “opinion” piece:
‘This is America’s moment of truth: Stop Donald Trump’
No wonder so many Kiwis living on this little socialist island believe they understand what’s actually going on in the world, after years of being fed this dishonest shit with no (or very few) countervailing viewpoints!
Most of them don’t have a clue, and what’s more, they don’t want to know.

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12 Responses to NZ Herald recycles propaganda

  1. john says:

    Yeah, I saw this too, KG and what a load of crap it is. Amazing how the “journalist” who wrote this garbage managed to mention Hitler twice in the first three sentences. Gee, I wonder if we’re meant to equate Trump with Hitler?
    And trust the Herald to print this crap (did I mention crap before?)

  2. tranquil says:

    What a load of *bollocks* that article is!

    Filled with emotive scaremongering, invoking the Nazis. Well hey – guess what? The KORAN has even more Jew-hatred than “Mein Kampf” but we won’t see a word uttered by the WaPo against Islam.

    I’ll bet the WaPo would have been against *Churchill* too.

  3. Ronbo says:

    I see fear in the Kiwi information socialist worker’s ranting, because he knows deep down if the dominoes of International Socialism start falling anywhere in the West World, a little cockroach like him will be crushed to death when the one in New Zealand falls on him.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    I love the way the idiot urges Republicans to stop Trump but he plans to vote for Hillary and thinks this is an intelligent move.

    • KG says:

      Hillary’s criminality and lies and scams are mere details, doncha know?
      Hypocrisy is the defining feature of leftards.

  5. Flashman says:

    Godwins Law.

    Any wanker who invokes Team Adolf automatically loses the argument. Not because of anything to do with The N-word but as a abject revelation that he-she-it has nothing worthwhile to put up in debate.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    I’m willing to bet this scum-sucking-bottom dweller didn’t make the same comparison with the rise of Obama (HBSC)

  7. PC says:

    Some one needs to remind the Herald most New Zealanders don’t get to vote in US elections so there is no need for them to run interference here.