Object to your country being invaded?

To your daughters being raped? To funding hostile primitives who are the instruments of cultural genocide?
Then you’re a “neo-Nazi”.
The ruling elites and the islamofilth are making common cause against the citizens who object…..better get used to being regarded and treated as a target, not a patriot.

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6 Responses to Object to your country being invaded?

  1. Jamie says:

    “If you value what you have, be prepared to fight for it unto the death. Because if you’re not prepared to fight for it, it shall be taken from you by somebody who is less worthy then you, who is not able to accomplish what you were able to accomplish. Take a lesson from the American Indians, fight for what’s yours.” – David Yeagley


    Far-right Indian racists are opposed to immigration and diversity….


  2. K2 says:

    On the upside, Britain may finally grow some and exit the EU. Thank you “Refugees”!!