Crank it up!

‘VIOLENT clashes have broken out between far-right protestors chanting “no more refugees” and militant left-wingers at an anti-immigration march in Dover this afternoon…’

CfC4_PIW8AATZFKAllegedly “anti-fascist” protesters opposing the “no more migrants” protesters.What do they look like to you?

The anti-invader protesters have no need to wear uniforms and masks….

Update: ‘French authorities arrest 11 suspected neo-Nazis’
Focusing on the real threat…

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8 Responses to Crank it up!

  1. KG says:

    ‘Brussels police arrest protesters’

    Things are warming up, and I for one hope it progresses to open warfare.
    That would really be “progressive”.

  2. K2 says:

    “Anti-Fascist” is a euphemism for “Communist”. Stalin, as he did with so many things the left does today, led the way by referring to anything to the right of genocidal communism as “fascist”.

    • KG says:

      Yep, exactly. And the media falls for it or deliberately spreads the inversion of the truth.

  3. dondiego says:

    Whuffo wish there was some neo-nazis around here~