The New Observer

For those sick of the media’s lies and propaganda
‘New Observer Forces Daily Mail Retraction
The New Observer has once again forced a major controlled media outlet to back down over blatant ant-white lies, this time the Daily Mail’s hysterical lies over “right wingers” in cars running over Muslims in Molenbeek.
Previously, the New Observer also exposed the “neo-Nazi attack on migrant children” in Stockholm as a media hoax…’
‘Australia: “Refugees” Earn $50,000 pa
“Refugees” who con their way into Australia will earn a minimum of AUD $50,000 (US$38,362) per year without doing anything other than being there—and very likely substantially more depending upon how many children they can produce. The astonishing payouts can be calculated using the Department of Human Services (DHS) “Payment Finder” website tool…’
‘Italy Braces for 10,000 Invaders a Week
More than 5,000 sub-Saharan Africans landed in Italy last week, and coast guard monitors are predicting another 10,000 this week—an indication that the cross-Mediterranean route of attack is now once again in full swing.
Intelligence sources quoted by the media in Austria have confirmed that the government is now bracing for a renewed invasion over the “Alpine route.”…’

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5 Responses to The New Observer

  1. Jamie says:

    Sweden Burns to the Ground


    “The following analysis of the European situation by Julian Langness is drawn from the pattern of events that other recent failed states, such as Lebanon, the Balkans, and Afghanistan, have followed. The entire projection can be found at Counter-Currents Publishing. Keep this in mind when the effeminate present you with a treacherous vision of mercy, one that emphasises feelings over the good of their own people. They are promoting war and rape and suffering on an unimaginable level.

    Hypothetical Scenario Involving the Outbreak of Violence In Europe
    Date: Summer 20xx (this could be 2016, 2019, 2024, etc. . . .)

    1.Increased friction between the Swedish state and immigrants has enflamed tensions throughout the country. Malmö begins seeing increasing immigrant on native violence of a level previously unknown. Further, the violence has become a cultural phenomenon or purposeful “Intifada” similar to the “Days of Rage” in Palestine. Swedish women are raped openly in the streets. Swedish men are attacked regularly. The police force in Malmö is on the brink of collapsing. Their operations are increasingly militarized as any form of regular policing is impossible. The immigrant communities have progressed completely out of government control, short of tactical incursions by government forces necessitating large numbers of police and riot troops with military vehicles.
    2.White flight out of Malmö and the surrounding areas has left the city devoid of the personnel needed for it to function. There are massive shortages of teachers, medical personnel, firefighters, and EMT’s. Government services increasingly exist in name only. Police officers must be bussed in from neighboring areas. The justice system is collapsing and the judicial system has fully collapsed. The first hints of 4GW crime begin appearing, such as kidnappings and tolls to travel through certain areas.
    3.Native Swedish vigilante violence begins as chaos escalates. There are multiple shootings of Muslim men. Some involve self-defense, others offer unclear motives and appear to be politically or “racially” motivated. Middle-Eastern restaurants are burned to the ground. Refugee centers are burned and shot up.
    4.The increasingly isolated Swedish government, massively threatened by the destabilization of society, begins violently clamping down on free speech. Political “hate speech” on the internet is prosecuted vigorously. Right-wing anti-immigrant groups are attacked and shut down.
    5.With Malmö in state of insurrection and chaos, and calls for violence from Muslims across Europe, Denmark completely seals off the Øresund Bridge and fully militarizes their border with Sweden. They further clamp down on civil liberties of Muslims in Denmark, afraid the crisis will spread.
    6.The Swedish government outlaws the Sweden Democrats, who, despite widespread support among ethnic Swedes, still have not taken power because of the ever-increasing number of foreign born immigrants being hastily granted citizenship and voting rights. Sweden Democrat supporters march in the streets and there are acts of violence and vandalism against representations of the government and against the immigrant community.
    7.Ethnic violence escalates in Stockholm and Gothenburg. There are riots in heavily immigrant areas. Massive nightly car burnings occur, along with a number of homicides. The government attempts Martial Law as the two cities becomes increasingly Balkanized.
    8.In addition to the vanguard of small-scale native Swedish vigilante groups that have sprung up, larger and slightly more mainstream self-defense militias begin expanding and arming themselves, despite government attempts to violently crack down on them. These are made up of men with relevant experience in law enforcement, the military, hunting, etc., and represent a “normalization” of vigilantism.
    9.Government legitimacy disappears as coalition government starts to crumble. Events from Sweden begin to appear as front-page news on a daily basis throughout Europe.
    10.As violence between Swedish militias and immigrant gangs escalates, first trickles of external funding begin to appear for Preservationist groups/militias (most likely from either Denmark, Poland, Russia, Finland, or any combination of the above). Funding likewise grows for increasingly organized Islamist/immigrant groups. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations responsible.
    11.Despite likely Danish funding of preservationist elements within Sweden, Denmark also continues attempting to prop up mainstream Swedish government, afraid of mass spillover should government fall and anarchy increase.
    12.As Malmö becomes 100% Muslim-controlled due to massive white flight and the inability of security system to maintain order, and as violence grows throughout country, the national government topples.
    13.Killings are occurring every day; Preservationist militias are patrolling streets; Muslim gangs make incursions into native areas and carry out killings; suicide bombings begin to occur.
    14.The vastly overstretched Swedish police force and the “cosmetic” Swedish military collapse.
    15.Preservationist militia begin taking over Swedish Army depots and bases and arming themselves.
    16.Immigrant gangs and Islamists begin doing same in Malmö and other heavily Muslim areas.
    17.The EU, hamstrung by political impotence and infighting and having massive problems of its own, is largely powerless to act.
    18.Full-scale 4GW fighting expands between Preservationist militias and Muslim gangs/organizations. Fighting is fiercest in medium-sized towns in southern half of country, because these areas are not homogeneous like in the ghettoized suburbs. Thousands are killed as each side struggles to maintain control over neighborhoods and areas. As in Afghanistan and Lebanon, territory is fluid and some areas change sides on an almost constant basis as the fighting escalates.
    19.Widespread atrocities are committed by both sides, just as they are in almost all conflicts. Hundreds of Muslims at a time are slaughtered by Swedes and buried in mass graves, just like in the Balkans. Swedish men, women, and children are murdered and often beheaded. Other Swedes are found dismembered and tortured to death. Young Swedish girls are abducted and kept as sex slaves by local commanders, just as Russian girls in Chechnya were in the 1990s. First real military weaponry begins to be used, including mortars, missile launchers, etc.
    20.Native Swedish refugees attempt to flee country in large numbers; Norwegian and Finnish governments allow them in. Muslim refugees are prohibited, and large numbers of Muslims eke out existence in now war-torn suburbs, often without heat or utilities.
    21.Eventually troops from neighboring European countries join fighting on behalf of Preservationist militias. The original Swedish government has ceased to exist. Numerous left-wing politicians have been executed as traitors. Heavy fighting continues. Muslims in the far south are pushed back into Malmö and contained. Fighting continues in other areas of the country.”

    • KG says:

      Excellent! Thanks for that (and the link) Jamie.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      A interesting insight, but the I suspect #4 will be carried out with the help of the UN’s blue helmet brigade.

      They will reinforce the ugly status quo while the UN and the EU move at breakneck pace to bolster their security forces throughout Europe. This will be done by attempting to homogenise all the armed forces of the EU nations with a clause in the new scheme that allows for them to be deployed locally for domestic security reasons.

      There will be more uprisings, and #5 to #21 will not occur until all security forces have been utterly overwhelmed.

      Meanwhile expect all markets to be frozen and martial law to come into effect both physically and economically.

      Much rides on the Brexit vote, which is why I suspect they will rig it in favor of a slim EU victory.

      Just my two cents. That’s their plan by my measure, but who knows how far they’ll get with it.

  2. Jamie says:

    “Society in Western Europe is on the verge of breaking down amid chaotic violence caused by economic dislocation, mass immigration and terrorism. This is not the view of some ‘crazy survivalist’ but of the head of the Swiss Armed Forces”


    Lieutenant-General André Blattmann has issued a warning to the Swiss people that society is dangerously close to collapse and advised those not already armed as part of the Swiss Army reserve to take steps to arm themselves. Blattmann has been head of the Armed Forces since, 1 March 2009 and his words carry very significant weight in a country in which several Citizens’ Initiative referenda against burqas and mosques have proven enormously popular as concerns grow about immigration and Islamisation.”

    “The threat of terror is rising, hybrid wars are being fought around the globe; the economic outlook is gloomy and the resulting migration flows of displaced persons and refugees have assumed unforeseen dimensions.”

    Blattmann: “Social unrest can not be ruled out”, the vocabulary in public discourse will be “dangerously aggressive.”

    “The mixture is increasingly unappetizing” Blattmann sees the basis of Swiss prosperity and society, “has long been once again called into question.”

    “He recalls the situation around the two world wars in the last century and advises Switzerland, to arm themselves”

  3. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile in America – Western Civilization’s last great empire – the nation who came to the rescue of Europe twice in the 20th century – it is Nationalism Rising since 2015 with Donald Trump:

    The Trump-a-tor-ian Reaction to International Socialism and Islamism is in full flood.