Daniel Greenfield:

‘…The decadent civilization obsessively manages risk. Its layers of government are mainly dedicated to that task. Accomplishment in a decadent civilization becomes a difficult task because of the many lawyers of corporate and government risk management standing in the way of getting anything done.
…A vigorous civilization rushes out to deal with threats. A decadent civilization imprisons itself out of fear. ..’
In the City of the Decadents

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5 Responses to Daniel Greenfield:

  1. Flashman says:

    Brilliant article that crystallizes thoughts that I’ve struggled to pull together. Highly recommended reading. Thanks KG.

  2. Brown says:

    Always good to read his stuff. I still have a printed out copy of an exposition on postmodernism he wrote some years back.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Excellent article and well worth the read!

    Recently, I was watching a documentary on the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century A.D. and one thing that stuck me like a wet diaper in the face was the feeling the Romans had for the barbarians who flowed across unguarded borders into Italy and the other fair Roman provinces like Italy, Britain, Gaul and Spain…It was the same hatred on an emotional level that clean cut, educated and rational people of the West today have for the dirty, stinking, uneducated and stupid Muslims and other Third World Trash that infest our fair countries…It is the righteous anger that a superior civilization of over 1,000 years holds for savages who have not paid their dues, or even deloused themselves.

    The writing is on the wall – It’s the 5th century A.D. once again in the West World – either we get rid of them, or they will get rid of us.

    “Barbarian, barbaric, barbarous pertain to uncivilized people. Barbarian is the general word for anything uncivilized: a barbarian tribe. Barbaric has both unfavorable and mildly favorable connotations, implying crudeness of taste or practice, or conveying an idea of rude magnificence and splendor: barbaric noise.”http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

    • KG says:

      “The writing is on the wall – It’s the 5th century A.D. once again in the West World – either we get rid of them, or they will get rid of us.”
      And it really is that simple. All else is just noise.