Gawd ‘elp us:

‘Women Will Determine the Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election’
Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 8.27.54 PM

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8 Responses to Gawd ‘elp us:

  1. Ronbo says:

    KG, do you remember why we gave women the right to vote?

    I mean wasn’t enough for them to rule everything except for politics, as the power behind the throne?

    But Noooooooo!

  2. mara says:

    I love you too.

    • KG says:
      But it’s a fact, Mara, that the business of PC and hundreds of laws passed in the name of “safety” and “equality” have been driven and made possible by the female vote.
      The illusory quest for safety and security is largely female driven and they seem to be perfectly happy with sacrificing liberty in the search for those things.
      Male: Liberty means a certain level of risk and danger.
      Female: This could be dangerous – let’s pass a law to ban it.
      Of course, plenty of male politicians go along with the female view because it’s the road to power over others. People clamouring for more laws are manna from heaven for those creeps.

    • mawm says:

      Mara those stats show that there are still over 40% right thinking women around.

  3. mara says:

    Mawm. “And then we gave them clipboards” When I see clipboards I reach for my revolver. You may heretoafter refer to me as George or Harry.