Clouded leopard

Clouded-leopard-671521Rescued as a kitten and the pic shows him being released into the wild. Very cool.

(click on it for a bigger version)

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6 Responses to Clouded leopard

  1. KG says:

    Meanwhile, I’ll just have fun taming two feral cats. They turn up to be fed when I turn the outside light on around 3am and they’ve become surprisingly relaxed about a human presence.
    Apparently a local university will occasionally desex cats for free as part of their teaching program so we may trap the cats and get them fixed.
    Beats having to shoot them.

  2. mara says:

    If China disappeared under a “cloud” next week I would not weep.

  3. MikeH. says:

    That Leopard is beautiful.

    • KG says:

      Just wonderful, isn’t it? And to think so many are killed just to make Chinese medicine…along with a whole lot of other magnificent species.