Bake that cake…or else

“Potential Jail Time for Refusing to Participate in Gay Marriages”

Read here

“With progressive causes, the goal is not the goal. The coercive means of achieving the goal is the goal.”

And there we have it folks,the endgame in full view,tolerance via force.

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13 Responses to Bake that cake…or else

  1. KG says:

    It’s time for some killing.

  2. Bo Chandler says:

    Ignore the law and have a trustworthy 3rd party disappear the first complainant. Repeat until there are no more complainants or no more gays. Yes, we are that far down the road.

    I have no more sympathy for an armed Christian nation that tolerates such tyranny.

  3. Bo Chandler says:

    The more I think about it, the more ass backwards the premise of refusal is. They shroud it in legalese citing artistic integrity. Fuck that. If they truly believe in God, what do they think he’d make of their mental gymnastics? The simple answer is NO, and if the entire region had a set of balls between them then there would be a fucking line ten miles long to intercede violently on their behalf.

    • Darin says:

      Christianity as it’s taught now is all about de-balling men,so it’s no surprise this sort of thing goes on.

  4. KG says:

    This is how far down that road Western men have come:
    ‘A respected violence researcher has declared that the Cologne sex attacks show German men have forgotten how to fight, and it’s a good thing.
    …However, immediately following the remark Baberowski, who is a historian at the Humboldt University in Berlin, said “thank god” that German men no longer know how to stand up for themselves or face violent conflict. He claimed that is was good that German men relied solely on the state to take care of them and protect them…’

    We’re screwed, gentlemen.

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    Anyone read Jack Finney’s classic Invasion of The Body Snatchers? The ‘replacements’ were dull, lifeless; mere shadows of the original human beings who had had interests and desires. Sixty years later we’ve got Invasion of the SJWs. A foul shrieking horde whose every demand is just another angle for attack on the unconverted.
    Sometimes it seems that Finney was pretty much on target, except that the humans are Team Apathy and vice versa.

  6. Ronbo says:

    “Potential Jail Time for Refusing to Participate in Gay Marriages”

    A patriot response:

    “A potential bullet in your head Leftard if you try to do something really stupid like fucking with my God given inalienable rights…So fuck you…Fuck the Democrat Party…Fuck Obama…Fuck Oligarchy…Fuck the queers…In fact, fuck them all but nine, six for pall bearers, two for road guards and one to count cadence.”

  7. andy5759 says:

    Duck that.

  8. mara says:

    I’d quite like to be forced to bake a wedding cake. All the guests would be shitting out their body organs for a couple of days while blaming the chicken or seafood.