EU parliament heads vow to take ball and go home

Butt hurt losers-


President Martin Schulz says speeding up of UK exit being considered after ‘continent taken hostage because of Tory party fight’

I have to agree with the arsehole,but for different reasons,getting Britain out fast would be the best,the best way to demonstrate to the rest of the EU member nations that leaving is the best option. 


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16 Responses to EU parliament heads vow to take ball and go home

  1. Yokel says:

    Getting us out fast is also the only way to ensure that the Leave vote will not be hi-jacked by the Remainders. There are already calls for a second referendum because
    * 4% is “not” a decisive majority
    * some first time voters didn’t realise it was serious and voted for leave for a lark
    Then there are the suggestions that the new PM will want to hold a general election to get “his own mandate” from the electorate. Given that the majority of MPs are Remainders, and that they alone choose the leader of the party, I foresee a manifesto with lots of “wiggle room” that will permit the deliberate obstruction of the expressed will of the people.

    While the blog has a well developed exit plan, called Flexcit (for Flexible Exit), none of the official Leave groups would adopt it. So those groups are now at a loss about what to do and are scratching around for something. The Remainders will exploit this without a doubt.

    Leaving quickly will mean that we do not achieve the best possible outcome. It might however mean that we achieve something like the outcome we voted for.

  2. KG says:

    Already, I smell betrayal:
    ‘The leave campaign has appeared to row back on key pledges made during the EU referendum campaign less than 24 hours after the UK voted for Brexit, after it emerged immigration levels could remain unchanged.
    …while the Tory MEP Daniel Hannan said free movement could result in similar levels of immigration after Brexit….’

    “Free movement”? What fucking free movement is that, already? If this referendum was about anything, it was about immigration and the right to control it, yet already this bastard is talking about “free movement” like any other EU apparatchick.

    • Darin says:

      Brexit is just one loose stitch on the gaping wound that is Britain.It’s only the very first step and hasn’t even stopped the bleeding.

      To do that all of the soft headed people that allowed this to happen and go on for so long will have to be dealt with.It’s going to be an uphill fight all the way and I figure the odds of them succeeding to be 1:10

      If they want to reform immigration quickly,it’s pretty simple to do so.Most of these “complex””nuanced” problems can be settled in an afternoon,but to do so requires a solid majority of support,an honest media or a bloody revolution/civil war.

      • Yokel says:

        To borrow Churchill: “This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end. But it might be the end of the beginning.”

        The battle really starts now. We have to hold hold the bastards’ feet to the fire until we get the results we voted for.

  3. Ronbo says:

    To borrow from Bismarck, “Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided—but by iron and blood (Eisen und Blut).”

    Of course, the International Ruling Class is not going to abide by majority decisions that go against them – and they aren’t going to go peacefully into the night – Brexit just defines the battle lines.

  4. Mathew says:

    Apparently the moaners now want another referendum, like kids at the play ground, when they lose the game, oh no wait, let’s go again, best of 3. Then it’ll be best of 5….. until they get the result they want.

    Yes leave, leave quickly, get out while you still can. Meanwhile all the others who promised to leave the UK can make good on their promises.

  5. Darin says:

    Black Pigeon Speaks-What happened and what now?

  6. mara says:

    The longer this process takes, the more chance of Brexit being weakened to homeopathic levels of effectiveness for Britain. And what the hell is “associative status?” Remember Brits, “All changed. Changed utterly. A terrible beauty is born.” WB Yeats 1916, about the time some of us here were born, heh

    • Ronbo says:

      Yes, and WW II wasn’t won in September, 1940 – but the RAF fighter command did tear the guts out of the mighty Luffwaffe and won the Battle of Britain.

      Come to think of it – the Brexit vote in favor of leaving the EU was a non-violent victory in another sort of Battle of Britain.

  7. Robertv says:

    Sorry you didn’t hear anything from me but I just woke up from my Brexit party coma.

    • Robertv says:

      Now let’s hope they don’t change EU Big Government for GB Big Government. Of Course the progressives will do everything in their power to derail the process.

    • Robertv says:

      I would not be surprised that much more people voted Brexit than is officially announced by those still in power so they couldn’t manipulate the results.

  8. KG says:

    When will people realise that the ballot box WILL NOT bring reform and liberty?

    ‘Now senior British & EU politicians reveal plans to BLOCK the UK from leaving Brussels’
    ‘British and European politicians plot to overturn UK referendum result and block Brexit – which was voted for by 17million’

    Go violent, or go to the gulag.