The NZ Herald – liars, or simply uninformed?

You decide

Of course, the editors at the Herald could always try commenting on articles such as this, but that wouldn’t suit their agenda, would it?  And this morning, hundreds of Kiwis will be parroting Herald bullshit in the mistaken belief that they’re informed news consumers.

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20 Responses to The NZ Herald – liars, or simply uninformed?

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    If guns are the problem why does the murder rate continue to fall everywhere throughout the US except in cities controlled by Democrats with large Afro-American populations hmmmmmmm?

    • KG says:

      Don’t ask inconvenient questions, Michael, people might begin to actually think. And that would never do.

  2. KG says:

    They should relax, it can’t be dumbed down further:
    ‘Worries proposed Fairfax/NZME marriage will lead to ‘dumbing down’ of journalism.’

  3. Darin says:

    My money is on liars,or Parrots,the media the world over is full of both.I sent this in to the Herald,I doubt it will even be read-

    “To whom it may concern,

    As an American reader of your online news I was taken back by the recent editorial “US running risk of major racial conflict”.In the US we value freedom of the press,but that freedom comes with a responsibility to report the truth accurately.

    Many US news outlets ran with the stories of these two police shootings well in advance of having all the details,or even a clear idea of what actually occured.As a result of pushing a false narrative we now have five policemen and two civilians dead.This is nothing less than half-assed sensationist tabloid “journalism” at it’s worst.NZ Hearld should hold it’self to a higher standard than to simply parrot such obvious fluff.

    New video and detailed anaylsis of the Alton Sterling shooting has emerged showing what really happened-

    A few points-
    #1 Being reported as having pointed a gun at people will get the cops to show up pretty much anywhere in the world.
    #2 Disobeying police orders will get you in trouble with the cops pretty much anywhere in the world.
    #3 Wrestling with cops and resisting arrest will get the cops pissed off at you pretty much anywhere in the world.
    #4 Grabbing a cop’s gun and attempting to shoot him while yelling “now your dead!” will pretty much get you shot anywhere in the world.

    In the case of Philando Castile,it seems now that he was ID’ed as a possible suspect for an armed robbery that occured four days prior to the police stopping him,not for a broken tail light as was first reported,but because he matched a police BOLO (be on look out) for an armed robber matching his description.

    In both cases the media picked up and ran with a story before all the facts were known and the resulting aftermath is being paid for by the public in terms of money and loss of life.

    Finally I take offense at the tiresome narrative that all of this is somehow the fault of the supposed “gun lobby” in America.Nothing could be further from the truth.It is not the estimated 80million law abiding gun owners that are the problem.It is the extremely violent sub-culture in the black community that is responsible for 50% of the US gun murder rate.Everyone,black or white knows it,sadly only those who are willingly lying about it ever get any media attention.

    For the safety and sanity of everyone,please get the facts straight before reporting,lives depend on media reporting only the facts.”

  4. mawm says:

    “the extremely violent sub-culture in the black community” – and those who stoke the fires.

  5. mara says:

    They will read it Darin then pass it around for a hearty chuckle then unanimously conclude that you are a Trump supporting, thuggish, knuckle-dragging froot-loop and the cause of all American disorder and violence. Liberals cannot be reasoned with, but you already know that.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    The truth from one who is on the front lines

    Follow the link and read it all.

    • Ronbo says:

      Like the black guy said, “The problem isn’t with the colored folks. it’s them fucking niggers!”

  7. mara says:

    Who would want to be a police officer in America today? If recruitment stalls, will standards fall to compensate? I see no good outcome, especially for black people who lack the wit to realise that they will have brought this on themselves.

    • Ronbo says:

      Actually it was Obama who is the author of the racial conflict within the civil war in process – because prior to 2009 and his elevation to office – race relations were generally pretty good and support for police was high.

      The blacks in general are the victims of a “community organizer anarchist” president who poured time, money and personnel into starting an insurrection he thinks will destroy republican America, but I say starting a civil war is about as intelligent as starting a forest fire because winds change frequently to burn to death the arsonist.

  8. KG says:

    Reality bites:
    ‘Alice Gross argued foreign criminals should not be banned from the UK before the 14-year-old was killed by a convicted Latvian murderer’

    • Darin says:

      “The schoolgirl wrote: ‘Personally, I believe that the United Kingdom should remain a member of the EU as it allows our country to be considered a communal and friendly country.”

      Communities going back to antiquity were surrounded by walls and men who kept the gates.They were not there for architectural aesthetics.