What’s crippling New Zealand

and this is just the tip of the bureaucratic monster:
‘..An OECD report in 2014 on the economic cost of environmental policies confirmed this, ranking New Zealand 28th out of 34 member countries for having the worst administrative burden, alongside Israel, Canada and Iceland. They found that while many countries had more stringent environmental controls than New Zealand, the associated costs to their economies were relatively minor, compared to the excessive bureaucratic compliance associated with the RMA…’

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2 Responses to What’s crippling New Zealand

  1. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    While I agree with the tenor of the commentary, you need to have a look at The Australian to see just what a fraudulent and incompetent politicized bureaucratic monster is the OECD itself.

  2. Darin says:

    Burdensome bureaucracy is choking the life out of formerly free people all over the world.It’s a cancer,a creeping,strangling vine that halts progress and holds free men back from their fullest potential.