Australia-Now is the time

Step up,have a say and regain your God given right to speak your mind,reform section 18c-


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13 Responses to Australia-Now is the time

  1. Darin says:

    KG,feel free to edit as required in case I stuffed up the details

  2. Ronbo says:

    Australia sinking quickly into slavery…

    I hope you Aussies understand that in the 1990s – when your government ended your God given right to keep and bear arms – the attempt at tyranny was inevitable.

    …before a Regime takes away your freedom of speech and starts in an aggressive way to end liberty – they first make sure the ordinary citizen does not have a gun.

    So I say to my Australian cousins ARM YOURSELVES!

    There is a black market in illegal arms in every country in the world – and sure you are going to pay thru the nose for the guns and ammunition – but at least you will die on your feet and not on your knees when they come for you!

    …and they will come for you!

    So take a few of the bastards with you to the undiscovered country.

    Make tyranny pay a price.

    • KG says:

      “..but at least you will die on your feet and not on your knees when they come for you!”
      Amen! brother.