Can’t win even if they cheat?

Easy,just steal it outright-

“Even before the FBI identified new cyber attacks on two separate state election boards, the Department of Homeland Security began considering declaring the election a “critical infrastructure,” giving it the same control over security it has over Wall Street and and the electric power grid.”

Attacks by foreign actors are nothing more than pre-positioned propaganda set in place to justify theft or worse when the time comes :evil:

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5 Responses to Can’t win even if they cheat?

  1. Darin says:

    A candidates death could delay or eliminate the election-

    Trump making trip to Mexico tomorrow-

    Hope he’s watching his back

  2. Ronbo says:

    I see Obama has studied his Stalin with as much vigor as he studied his Hitler, because Stalin famously said to Churchill in 1945 at Potsdam in regards to the British election campaign that would determine whether Churchill would continue as PM, “Winston, it’s not important how the people vote, but it is important who counts the votes.”

    History records that Churchill lost the most important election in British history – his Conservative Party was trashed by the Stalin approved British Labour Party.

    Obama’s action is tantamount to an admission by the Regime that they will lose an honest election.

    Hey worked in July, 1945 against Churchill, didn’t?

  3. Contempt says:

    The shit ain’t gonna stop.

    • Ronbo says:

      ….unless we pull a French Revolution on our Regime like they did on theirs in 1789-1794 – and literally pull all the reactionary bastards down from all the institutions of power in the State and make those evil people a head shorter.

      Revolutions are as necessary to the health of a nation, as are fires in the forest – the dead wood must be removed from time to time, so the trees can grow straight and tall.

      • MikeH. says:

        There is little to no doubt that a serious “house cleaning” is in order, especially if there is any hope of seeing a return to some form of normal. I sure pray a large enough crew can be amassed to pull it off.