‘This Is How Bad Things Are Getting

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is asserting the power to suspend all Constitutional rights at its own discretion, without review or due process:….’
Francis Porretto
Welcome to the post-democratic era….

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16 Responses to ‘This Is How Bad Things Are Getting

  1. MikeH. says:

    There are way too many piss ant, (non functional) functionary departments in this country with the awe inspiring power to suspend our rights. I don’t see anything wrong with suspending their rights in order to preserve our own.

    I propose a revised version of the Gadsden flag; below the coiled rattlesnake will be printed “Go ahead… fuck with me”.

  2. Robertv says:

    This they call Fascism.

    It means war forever because Fascism needs war for its blood supply. Hillary & Co is Fascism.

  3. Contempt says:

    Avenge September 11, 2001 permanently. It is the only rational action to take.

  4. Darin says:

    Zitka outbreak anyone?

    • KG says:

      Gives the bastards almost unlimited power, doesn’t it? :evil:

      • Pascal says:

        This gives the advice “Avoid crowds” considerably more meaning. It’s not just the unknown terrorist anymore.

        • Darin says:

          Yes and have you considered the “what if” of thousands of unwashed and un-vetted “refugees” being imported by the thousands carrying God knows what?It’s already happening,thousands of cases of diseases showing up most of which being diseases we eradicated in US decades ago.

  5. mara says:

    I hate big government but what are you going to do when people suspected of having transmissible, fatal diseases refuse to be contained? What happens then?

  6. mara says:


    • Darin says:

      Standard quarantine works just fine,we have done it in the states before on a limited scale.Most people understand and naturally do what is best for the nation during a disaster.Look to other events like 911 and Katrina,the vast majority co-operated and worked together to make things work.

      What will cause trouble is if we have an outbreak that is either allowed to happen by the government or is allowed to run wild.That’s why I mentioned Zitka ,it’s been allowed to get a foot hold in the US and so far everybody except the individual states are sitting on their hands about it.

  7. Ronbo says:

    This is NOT a normal presidential election in America…

    The “Les Deporables” have risen and have leaders.


  8. paul scott says:

    All Clinton symptoms and history are consistent with Parkinson’s .
    She has Parkinson’s well past the early stages.
    This includes the coughing, the short circuits, and head lolling.
    The head lolling is a side effect of long term treatment with L dopa.
    She had falls in the early part of this decade, but would have been diagnosed some years ago.
    One of the symptoms is brain freezing, [ short circuit ] where everything just stops for a while.
    You can see that big black man very close to her all the time, to catch her if she falls, and cause distraction when she freezes.
    She will be interesting when she goes into president debates, because her symptoms and condition are becoming widely known .
    Visual or auditory stimuli can make them freeze.
    The coughing is caused by neurological changes
    She may well go into the Presidency still.
    We have had sick Presidents before.
    The sicker she is, the more other around her can control things

    • Ronbo says:

      My take too, Paul – It’s Parkinson’s late stage – also called Hitler’s Disease. Perhaps soon she will be ordering imaginary German armies to attack the Russians as they march on Berlin in 1945.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  9. Robertv says:


    “MPs on Tuesday gave a surprise thumbs up to a motion to establish a ‘yes unless’ system for donor organs in the Netherlands.

    If the draft bill goes on to become law, everyone in the Netherlands will be considered a donor unless they specifically request to be taken off the list.”

    “‘This is great news for everyone on the waiting list,’ Dijkstra said after the vote. ‘Every year, 150 people die who could have been alive with a donor organ.’”

    Politicians don’t give a shit about a voter’s life, They already think there are too many people on earth.
    So if you have the money and in need of an organ The Netherlands is the place to go.

  10. mara says:

    Paul Scott, I agree but would go a step further and suggest that she, in view of the warfarin and falling, ought to wear a helmet to avoid a catastrophic bleed. All her minions could wear one in solidarity. Think of the slogan, HELMETS for HILLARY. Wadda the chances? http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif