So effing what?

‘Kakapo decline caused by European colonisation, study finds
The sharp population decline of kakapo is associated with European colonisation of New Zealand, rather than Polynesians, researchers say….’  Link
I’ll start to take notice of this kind of “research” when I see studies examining the role maori played in hunting various species to extinction or near-extinction given the same prominence. I’m bloody tired of being the caucasian football for a bunch of academics too cowardly to examine the truly destructive aspects of the culture of Those-Who-Must-Not-Be-Blamed.
Oh…and European colonisation saved a whole lot of maoris from being murdered by their tribal rivals…but I’ve never seen that mentioned in any academic “studies”.

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31 Responses to So effing what?

  1. Ronbo says:

    Do you know how the Great Plains of North America came about?

    Many generations of American Indian tribes burned the forests of the Mid-West down to improve number of game, like the bison for example.

    These and other countless examples exist of barbarian tribes changing the environment to better their living conditions, as their civilized cousins do.

    It’s a human thing – and since mankind is a natural creature on this planet with the ability to do these things to improve our living conditions there should be controversy.

    • KG says:

      It’s just what man does, regardless of color isn’t it?

      • Darin says:

        I’m not so sure the Indians contributed as much as popularly believed.They have used fire to shape the landscape in the past,but by and large it was used for hunting.Much more efficient and less risky to start a few fires and herd large groups of animals off a bluff to their deaths.The base of a cliff face or bluff was the Indian’s meat market.

  2. dondiego says:

    I remember saying to my mate (an east coast maori lady): “Colonization must’ve been alright, because now there’s more maoris living in Australia than both Nth & Sth Zealand when cook arrived”.

    She hadn’t thought of it that way…

  3. Darin says:

    Always look for the word *maybe* or *may have*that usually means it’s an assumption shored up with a wild ass guess.

  4. Bill the bunyip says:

    Darin in this case the assumption will be shored up with funding that is only available if the outcome denigrates whitey while extolling and removing blame from browney!

    ps I have recently returned from an extended stay in the bush where internet was spasmodic to say the least. It is good to see that CR is as it was under the new management

  5. .Alan says:

    Maoris hunted the Moa to extinction, thereby causing the extinction of the then largest Eagle in the world, the Haast Eagle which preyed on the Moa, its main source of food.

  6. KG says:

    ‘Young women drivers improve road safety by slowing down traffic: Scottish study shows men TWICE as likely to suffer a crash due to speed’

    • Darin says:

      Men have to drive faster because they are late for work after being held up by all the slow poke women about.

      I did like the speed limit signs in the video however and think they should be mandated nationwide immediately :mrgreen:

  7. mara the deplorable says:

    When I was a young Rep. on the road I had to chuck in the job because the speeding fines were killing me. On one occasion I tried to dispute a ticket and met with a traffic official. He smiled, said please take a seat Madam, and two minutes later his secretary entered the office with my file on a wheeled trolley. Yes, those were the early days of “health and safety”, lifting heavy weights etc .. My heart sank at this point. From memory, I lost the case.

  8. MvL says:

    The George Carlin quote goes….
    “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”
    I would add that….
    “Any one who drives the same speed is a threat.”

      • Darin says:

        Tailgaters piss me off,I can be running 90 in a 70 and some fuckwit will be hanging on my bumper so close I could fart and they would smell it.

        If the SHTF that will be me riding down the road in the truck with the front and rear mounted rocket pods

        • KG says:

          :mrgreen: You’ll become Mr. Darwin’s agent.

          • Ronbo says:

            I hear you, Darin – and I often wonder if James Bond’s cars can be purchased used – the ones with the oil slick and smoke screen mounted on the rear to take out tailgaters.

            • mawm says:

              I’m sure it would not be hard to make something yourself that sprays goo onto their windscreen – a 12V fish tank pump and machine oil, a switch on the dash and a pipe exiting from the tail of the car? I should probably get my patent submitted immediately.

  9. Gregoryno6 says:

    Don’t mention our extinct megafauna to the Kooris, either.

  10. john says:

    Have recently been reading a book about Kakapo in the late 1800’s.
    You don’t need to do a study to find out what killed them off.It was the introduction of stoats and ferrets to control the plague of rabbits.
    I would not blame colonisation .There were white settlers/people warning the politicians what would happen to the birdlife but the farmers won out.
    Maori had already done a good job killing many species and were no way conservationists.