A Networking Thread-Please Read-

The purpose of this thread is to network support for people who need it.What type of people?

Given the biased and now down right hostile nature of the media in the west,in my opinion we should all support the people who are out there that are trying to make a difference in the dissemination of honest reporting and commentary.

On the right hand side of the CR homepage is our blogroll.If you have a Blog and don’t see your Blog listed,please drop a link in this thread and I will see about adding it.

If you have a Youtube channel,post a link to it in this thread.I am looking for conservative and or libertarian bloggers and Youtubers only.

Recently there has been a growing number of Australian and NZ  Youtuber’s with a conservative or libertarian stance popping up.This is a good thing,especially since their viewership is increasing by the day.These people especially need our support,recording and editing a video isn’t the easiest thing in the world and it takes a fair amount of time to do it.The least we can do to help is sign up for a Youtube account ,rate,comment and subscribe to these folks channels.It costs nothing but a little time,but can make a big difference.

With that in mind,here are a few Aussie and NZ  Youtubers you should checkout-

Independent Man-




Danny DuChamp-


Peach Balie-


Now about Youtube,signing up is simple and free,just be sure and list your age as being at least 21.Otherwise many channels will not be visible due to Youtube using age restriction to censor conservative and libertarian videos or just anyone they don’t agree with.The reason they are doing this,is because so many younger viewers are being red pilled by by these channels and as a result the left is beginning to lose the culture war.

Also,when you find a channel you like,click the subscribe button and rate the video you are watching.Youtube is driven by algorithms,page subscriptions and view counts are what determines trends and the more people watch these videos the better the chances they will make the video go viral and reach more people.Some of these Youtubers,even though they are new,have subscriber counts in the 250,000+ range,this is significant as quite a few of their videos reach more people than major print news has in decades.And remember,this is content and comments unfiltered by some closet communist editor at a prog controlled state owned media outlet (I’m talking to you CNN,ABC,CBS,NBC,NYT,LAT,NZHearld etc.)

The main reason I am posting this –

The left has known for a long time that to capture the culture you must first capture the young.They have been very successful at this,however the right has begun using the same tactic and we are having some success at it. They are beginning to lose the young,everyday there are more young people coming out and waking up,SO NOW IS THE TIME to encourage them.


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15 Responses to A Networking Thread-Please Read-

  1. Every now and then I encounter a conservative youth.
    It’s like finding a canteen in the desert.

      • KG says:

        That it is, Ed. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif
        Great post, Darin. It’s about time conservatives started adopting some of the same tactics and took back the premises of the fight from the left. We’ve been splintered and reactive for too damn long.

  2. tranquil says:

    Great post!

    Paul Joseph Watson said in one of his vids that he is getting *lots* of contacts from young people (which is great!). As he said in another vid, WE are now the cool “counter-culture” and that seems to be proving very attractive to more and more young people (WOOHOO!).

  3. Ronbo says:

    Excellent idea, Darin!

    The Right has thrown down the gauntlet, because without “air superiority” the Leftist “ground troops” will be killed by our “fighter-bombers” and doomed to defeat.

    So the information war begins in earnest and like The Bard famously said, “Lay on McDuff and to hell with him who first cries HOLD, ENOUGH!”http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  4. Ronbo says:

    Speaking of the information war – Do you folks realize that other than Fox News none of the Lamestream Media is totally ignoring the big story of the day? The Susan Rice story where she used American intelligence agencies for political gain against Trump in the election and afterward.

    The big question: Did she do this on her own, or did Obama give her the orders to spy on innocent Americans?

    “WHAT DID OBAMA KNOW AND WHEN DID HE KNOW!” http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

    This big…this is very BIG…This could, for the first time in history – send an American president to prison.

  5. Victor says:

    Fantastic idea Darin – spread the word far and wide and let it grow like a forest fire.

    Here’s a list of social network sites that do not censor from LewRockwell.com – worth checking out and promoting as well… https://lewrockwell.com/2017/04/no_author/sick-sjw-tech-giants/

    – and why do people want to keep using sites like facebook and youtube to communicate with others when these sites don’t want you there and they still make money when you no longer can? stop using them and go elsewhere.

    • Darin says:

      I agree with you on FB,it’s just a time toilet anyway. Youtube is a bit different,there is a reason they are the top video sharing site by far.Currently there is no viable alternative for the service they provide.

      What baffles me is why when there are so many conservatives that have the resources to build their own infrastructure and get the message out,there are few if any that have.

      • Ronbo says:

        Darin, Rome wasn’t built in a day….The Progressives have been at this sort of thing for over 100 years – Rightist, Nationalists, Patriots – or whatever you want to call the Second American Revolutionists – didn’t get boots on the ground until 2010, when Obamacare created the Tea Party Revolt.

        I’m like you, I want the “Iron Triangle” – of Leftist control – Government Bureaucracy, Academia and Media – to fall TODAY to our side, but that ain’t gonna happen.

        However, the good news is that the “Big Mo” is on our side – we have crossed the Rubicon and we are marching rapidly to Rome, and our enemies are on the defensive, even with the federal government machinery only in first gear.

  6. Contempt says:

    Good idea Darin. In recent months I have been YouTube ‘ing a lot. As a bonus have found great Westerns, movies and documentaries. Just search WWI or II. One really hard one is five part doc on Hitler’s Children. Hard to watch and true.

    Susan Rice & Company, Inc. is so massive that whoever pursues it will have a lifetime job. It will be so pleasing when people began to appear in “orange cheeto” prison suits.

    Go Trump drain the damn stinking swamp. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

  7. Warren Tooley says:

    Well guys I have a channel. And I have a blog to index my clips. So here’s one example:


    My blogsite is called advantagestogoldandsilver which can be found at blogtown NZ.

    My channel is called Warren Tooley. Its all about the fact that the government has no jurisdiction over gold and silver. On everything else that you think you own, one slip up and you forfeit your assets and property. And with that they are able to carry on their reckless schemes. So how bout we put it in something they can’t touch.

  8. Gregoryno6 says:

    I propose Don Surber’s blog as an addition to the list.