The latest Woodpile Report is up.

‘..Long-time readers may remember my theory that England’s catastrophic losses in the 1914-1945 world war, which stripped her of two generations of her best young men, meant England as such may not survive.
The capable emigrated long ago, those who could. Look at England today. Effeminate posers, deranged Marxists, diversity enforcers, career weirdos, faggots, political correctness commissars and child molesters run the place. Which puts all hope of England’s viability in her besieged young white males. Again.
Does anyone believe the “traditional masculinity” grunts and limeys and flyboys of those bygone days, or the progeny they never had, would put up with 23,000 jihadists at large in London, much less with one as mayor? More likely every lamppost between London and Folkstone would be decorated with them and their apologists. Then they’d raise a pint to a job well done.
Until I see the mayor and his fellow eighth-century primitives marched down the M3 to waiting barges they may also spare me the candlelight vigils. Without the will to resist they’re just another act of submission….’

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14 Responses to The latest Woodpile Report is up.

  1. KG says:

    ‘DELINGPOLE: ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017’

    • Ronbo says:

      The last poll I saw on the subject said something like 20% of the American population believe manmade Climate Change (Global Warming) is a problem.

      The propaganda on this topic from the Left is falling increasingly on deaf ears.

      I would say the common sense and truth coming from Delingpole and other climate realists has had its intent effect.

  2. Ronbo says:

    I don’t buy that defeatist article – For one thing the WW I loss for Britain while tragic and large did not wipe out two generations of Britons – and as for their replacements – there were plenty of military age Brits to fight the WW II twenty years later – the British military never lacked troops – and add to that the considerable formations of Empire troops that filled out the ranks even more.

    I think more serious than the losses in WW I and WW II for Europe is abortion on demand after WW II, which has resulted in a birth rate for most European nations far below the replacement levels – Italy, for example, may disappear has a nation within 100 years based on a pathetic birth rate less than half of that of the USA, which has fallen below replacement level as well.

    This is one major reason for the Leftist politicians have opened the floodgates to immigration from anywhere in the world – replacements for people never born because they were murdered in the womb.

    Therefore, simply in terms of numbers, the West has a growing population despite the abortion holocaust. Of course, much of the increased population is not loyal to their various countries and maintain a completely different and sometimes dangerous culture even in the West; however, they tend to vote for Leftist parties, which is the other major reason the borders have come down.

    The current demographic and immigration crisis facing the West is due to piss poor decisions by the Western Leftist politicians allowing abortion on demand – and allowing unrestricted immigration from the Third World – in particular, from the Muslim nations. The way to cure the disease is within our command – We can put nationalist government in control that end abortion and secure the borders. Those immigrants already inside the gates get told to shape up or ship out.

    Yes, the hour is late, but it’s too early to throw in the towel and say the West is defeated – that Europe is lost – that Britain is gone – that Sweden is finished – America Kaputt – that today’s generation of young people are all worthless Snowflakes – especially in light of our 2,500 history of survival against incredible odds.

    I say bad as the Western crisis is – those in the Third World are far, far worst. Islam for example, is losing its 1,500 year war with West, believe it or not. The Muslim demographics are terrible – the birthrate in Iran rivals that of Italy. One of the important reasons Islam has suddenly become aggressive is because they are a civilization is decline and their leaders have adopted a “Go for broke WW III against the West” – a last desperate roll of the dice. Islam must conquer or the ideas coming from the West and the technology will destroy them. We read and see much of Jihadists in the West on suicide missions, but we hear little Muslims in the West who have adopted Western dress and values.

    You know when I think of how weak the enemies of the West are, how pathetic, how STUPID – I actually start to feel sorry for the poor bastards – they are the ones doomed to a dog’s death.

    • Brown says:

      Have you been reading “How Civilisations Die and why Islam is dying too”? A great book that explains much of what we see in the world today. Despite that I’m not sure that the optimism about Islam snuffing it is well founded as they are breeding well in the west and will replace us in short order. I’m not sure that will actually save them from an internally formented collapse eventually but its going to be tough to be civilised for a while no matter what they do.

      • Ronbo says:


        Excellent post:

        No, I don’t mean to downplay the Muslim threat to the West – I see Islam without a Reformation in the West as a clear and present danger – I think most Muslims should be deported from the West and the 10% of really dangerous imprisoned or executed.

        Yes, the desperate fight with the Muslim Insurgency in the West will get a lot worse until it gets better. Remember WW II: When the Allies closed the circle around the Germans and Japs, the most intense fighting took place. I see a parallel with the Muslims today – The West has clear military superiority, so they can’t do open warfare like the Germans and Japs did in WW II – so they do the only military thing they can do which is propaganda, terrorism and insurgency – both within and without the Muslim World.

        Never forget there is a Muslim civil war going on between the Sunnis and the Shiites who seek the destruction of the other side – but also, between the ISIS insurgency and the Arab nation-states like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and others because they are not “Sunni” enough. The West is allied with the these Arab nations against the Shiites and the Sunni insurgency.

        So our Muslim enemy does not have a single command & control as did the Germans and Japs during WW II – The Muslims are very active in West on their Islamic mission of Jihad; however, the West has impressive professional and hi tech military forces all over the Muslim World working daily and with success to undermine their home front.

        Thus, while the West carpet bombs their miserable countries and inflicts mega deaths on the enemy – in the West they can only mount small unit attacks that serve only to unite the threatened population to further resistance against the most primitive form of Islam – and increase the military effort in the Middle East.

        Yes, I’ve read “How Civilization Die” and checked the major theme myself using other sources – to include Iranian leaders – who say the same thing….Iran is dying. A couple of generations ago Iranian families of seven or eight was not uncommon – Today new couples have maybe one child…maybe…But many remain single just like the do in the West. This demographic fact is why when Iranian population is at its peak, and Iran has become so aggressive. It’s use it or lose it time. Time to go for broke. And the Iranian leaders know this important fact the West ignores, instead looking East with fear of an unstoppable enemy ten feet high and highly coordinated on bringing them down – the same exact defeatist mentality the Western leadership had during the Cold War with Russia and China – and the same policy of military defense and appeasement.

        In 1971 on my first tour in Germany I was sent to my first NCO Academy in Bad Tolz and we had a briefing on the “Soviet Threat” which many of us Intelligence types thought was defeatist. During the break we passed along our concern with the briefing to the highest ranking NCO – and old war horse with several conflicts under his belt and he agreed: DEFEATIST!

        When we filed back in the briefing room and the Q&A started this elderly sergeant with scars on face marking wounds received in combat immediately jumped to his feet and asked the young captain one question: “Sir, if as you say during the briefing the Red Army is a mighty stream roller of 200 plus divisions that will wipe out the U.S. Army and our European military allies in a two weeks of non-nuclear blitz to the English Channel, then why the hell haven’t they done so?”

        I will never forget the look on the young captain’s face or the blush of red to his face, as his defeatist two hour briefing was flushed down the toilet by one single question from an old 30 year sergeant-major.

        “DISMISSED!” he yelled and stormed out of the room.

        We never saw that captain again.

  3. mara the deplorable says:

    Mrs May put on her big-boy pants in response to the latest barbarism on London Bridge saying the enough is enough, we will not bow down to terrorists, yada, yada, yada…….. Crap! The openly Communist and terrorist cuddling Corbyn is close to her in the polls. How is this even possible? I know that Muslims who vote prefer him for obvious reasons but what are the rest of her British opponents thinking? Will either of them put hostile Muslims in internment camps, rip down Mosques, deport traitorous Imams and make Sharia hate speech actionable? Not in my lifetime. Nigel Farage is the only British politician in recent times who deserves any respect and he is still reviled by the MSM which continue to dupe the proles big time. Europe deserves what is coming. I’m told that Merkel will likely be re-elected.

    • paul scott says:

      Yes Mara. I have been telling the Pope by formal letter [ on paper ] that Farage must be elevated to a Sainthood, but Pope will not reply. Other than that I thought maybe one of those tall obelisk type statues in Trafalgar square next to Nelson’s column. wrote to Therese May on this , I said I can build the Farage column for you, but she replied something about “pluralistic values ” and enrichment, diversity. Her pluralism seems to avoid the children and citizens who are the front line fodder.

      • Ronbo says:


        My friend your heart is in the right place, but the time of petitions and asking for redress has long passed.

        It’s revolutionary war in the West.

    • Ronbo says:

      At this point the British people don’t have a choice: both candidates are Establishment whores – It’s like the American presidential election of 2012 between Romney and Obama – between defeatist appeasement socialism lite and defeatist appeasement socialism heavy.

      In this election a sizable section of the American people didn’t vote because their vote wouldn’t matter anyway – and by default Obama won and became defeatist appeasement President Zero for the next four years.

      I predict the same thing for Britain until the revolution finds its Donald Trump.

      …and the great thing about British PM elections is that a snap election can be called at anytime if the party in power loses support of a majority of the people.

      Britain is just little way behind America in politics, but the gap is closing. The British Tea Party is rising. Politically speaking America and Britain are trains on parallel tracks running on about the same time schedule. In 1979 The Iron Lady became the British PM. In 1980 Ronald The Great was elected president of the USA. Together they formed the “A” Team that destroyed Soviet Russia and the Berlin Wall.

  4. KG says:

    ‘There’s Nothing About Comey’
    No criminal investigation, no obstruction of justice, nothing.’
    Daniel Greenfield

    • Ronbo says:

      There is no “there” “there”….but the American Left ain’t gonna turn loose of this nonsense because they have invested too much capital in a Trump impeachment to back down.

      This political battle has become a peaceful Stalingrad for the Left. They refuse to abandon their exposed position under heavy attack – and keep throwing in more and more in troops and equipment in a salient that cannot be held.

      Now winter approaches and the enemy comes in for the kill.

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    Here and there the lights are coming on.
    QUT is the same institution where an indigenous employee brought 18C charges against three students and got her arse kicked.