Arse Hole of the Week

NFL owners,players,sports announcers,news anchors and various other overpaid,talent less hacks.

It’s a bumper crop of Arseholity boys and girls 

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42 Responses to Arse Hole of the Week

  1. Darin says:

    Weiner is going to jail-

    Ann Coulter’s advice to Anthony Weiner-
    To impress your new shower buddies, definitely side w/ Kaepernick, but under no conditions should you take a knee.

  2. Ronbo says:

    The New Benedict Arnold super traitor in training:

    This scumbag shouldn’t have been allowed into West Point in the first place…I hope Trump gets this link and at least throws the bastard out of the U.S. Army.

  3. Brown says:

    My supposed good friends, an elderly and devout Christian couple (hard line socialists though) announced yesterday during a chat that I was dumb, uneducated and ill informed because I’m not a socialist, haven’t been to uni, don’t watch TV news or read newspapers and so on. A friendship ended yesterday because maybe socialists are all arse holes if you dig deep enough. I’m waiting for the next call when they need a hand with something – they will need to find and pay a graduate to clean their gutters out. I may be dumb but not so dumb that I run around after people who insult me

    • Ronbo says:

      Hear! Hear! THE MAN!

      I broke off with my family because they were stupid enough to fall for the PC propaganda and became Trump haters.

      This move saves me lots of money because Uncle Ronbo is making no more family “loans” that are never repaid.

  4. KG says:

    Good on ya, Brown!

  5. KG says:

    I nominate these developer bastards. The situation described is a tiny fraction of a far wider scandal:

  6. KG says:

    Scrub that – I nominate this nannying Nazi cow:
    Head teacher Heather Lacey

    Yet again, a totalitarian fucking woman who wouldn’t know how to spell “liberty”. :evil:

  7. Gregoryno6 says:

    “Steve Fryer, 52, whose son allegedly had his sausage roll confiscated from his packed lunch…”
    Camouflage, sir! Disguise the contraband as an intimate implement. Or hide it in an empty tube of KY.
    That shouldn’t bother any modern teacher at all.

  8. Ronbo says:

    Millionaire black NFL players too stupid and ignorant to be grateful to the nation that made their success and fortune possible:

    The end of the NFL draws near – Rule Number One of business – never piss off your customers.

    • Darin says:

      They need to be smacked down just like our NFL.

      • Darin says:

        Bearing did a video response to someone who attacked him for his stance.I think the guy’s reply proves exactly Bearing’s point.

        The yes campaign behaving like fascist nazi dickheads now,shows us just exactly how they will act if they win.Good call Bearing!

  9. Jamie says:

    Don’t blink or you’ll miss it – I’m going with doctors this week….

    “After years of this chaos, exacerbated by New Zealand’s void of usable methamphetamine testing guidelines, the government is about to put into law a new standard. If a property tests positive for meth at 1.5 micrograms per 100 square centimetres it will be legally defined as contaminated. To put it in perspective, this is about 300 times lower than the minimum dose of amphetamine given to children to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.”


    Hey kiddies here’s some amphetamines – It’s alright, there’s a piece of paper on the wall saying it’s cool for me to deal to the kids.

    Like any ruthless drug dealer knows – Get em hooked young and ya got em for life.

    They breed thoroughbreds on amphetamines. How come the kiddies are allowed speed and I’m not???

    • Darin says:

      So now every medicine cabinet in the country will be a “meth hot zone”?

      • KG says:

        Wabbit’s been saying for the past two years that the meth decontamination industry is a scam, and it’s only taken the Herald that long to catch up.
        I’ve used (pure) amphetamines on and off – for various reasons and in various amounts – for years, with stuff all ill effects and certainly none that outweighed the benefits.
        It’s odd how people who know fuck-all about anything suddenly become experts in pharmacology as soon as they’re given a political or media platform.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Follow the money! Who proposed this bill, who is pushing it and how much money have they received from the clean-up industry? Answer those and I’ll bet you will have the answer as to why the threshold is so low.