Open House 12/9/18

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45 Responses to Open House 12/9/18

  1. Darin says:

    South Africa 2019:The Beginning of the End-

    If I were Trump I would impose sanctions on SA until ths ruling is reversed.I would also give white South Africans special immigration status pronto.

    • KG says: They’d make damn sight better citizens than any sandlice “refugees”. Better in fact than plenty of Aussies, Kiwis and Americans – they at least value freedom and hard work.

    • mawm says:

      The problem with sanctions is that they affect the poor and not the kleptocratic government hierarchy.

  2. KG says:

    Many thanks to Pascal for this stunning video clip. I’m almost speechless. :shock:
    ‘The Writer Automaton, Switzerland
    A 240 year old doll that can write, a clockwork creation by Pierre Jaquet-Droz, a Swiss watchmaker. The doll is able to write any custom text up to 40 letters long, and it uses a goose feather to write, which he inks from time to time, including a shake of the wrist to prevent ink from spilling. His eyes follow the text being written, and the head moves when he takes some ink. ‘

    (Looking for a downloadable video clip)


  3. KG says:

    ‘DELINGPOLE: No to Marrakesh! – The UN’s Sinister Blueprint for Globalist Migration Hell
    …“Marrakech C’est Non!” says one of the banners wielded by the Gilets Jaunes at the protests in Paris this weekend: “No to Marrakesh!”
    This refers, of course, to the United Nations conference in Marrakesh, Morocco later this week; the one where the world’s nations are being asked to sign away their sovereignty, their freedoms and their identity in one of the most pernicious agreements ever devised by the UN: the justly infamous UN Global Compact for Migration.’

    Why the hell is any Western country still a member of the U.N.?

  4. Pascal says:

    It seems to me that what Carole is attempting is along the lines of one of the 3 things recommended here:

    Because it exposes the painful dark side of unresponsive governments, consider presenting this video in support of the petition. Can’t hurt.

  5. KG says:

    Oh, FFS!
    Get real, you slimy expoitive parasitic bastards. The NZ Herald, yet again. This is the cringe-inducing front page headline:
    ‘Nation Grieves for Grace Millane’
    NO, IT DOES NOT. Most people will simply shrug and accept that it’s yet another murder to add to the number of tourists already beaten, raped, robbed or murdered.
    Which is bad enough, of course, but hey, let’s not mention the staggering, world-leading child abuse figures, eh?
    Just so long as the Illegitimate P.M. is apologizing on behalf of all NZ ers for one particular murder, it shows NZ is a nation of caring, sensitive souls, you see.
    Dear Toothy:
    I didn’t murder the girl, so don’t fucking presume to apologize on my behalf.

    • Darin says:

      “I didn’t murder the girl, so don’t fucking presume to apologize on my behalf.”

      Damn right!In the first place one apologizes for being late for work,or spilling coffee on the rug,not for a horrific murder of an innocent.

      How about demanding righteous justice be served on the murderer?Oh,wait,that would require a spine and the Jellyfish media have none (my apologies to Jellyfish)

  6. KG says:

    The great Brother Antony, in full flight. A glorious thing to behold!
    (first comment under the article)

  7. KG says:

    ‘The assisted suicide movement makes new strides toward involuntary suicide.
    It’s getting very dark in euthanasia-land. Not content with legalizing assisted suicide for the terminally ill in six states plus the District of Columbia — with Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Colombia allowing lethal jab euthanasia — and unsatiated with Switzerland’s suicide clinics to which people from around the world attend — the so-called “death with dignity” movement now is pushing self-starvation as a splendid way to die….’

    • Pascal says:

      With the death cultists clearly on the shameless upswing, it is astounding how few politicians on the Right regularly (or ever) call attention to how their death dealing opponents have slipped off their masks.

      The Judeo-Christian foundation of the faithful Right still holds innocent human life as sacred. All others have clearly abandoned that concept — if they ever really held it — as they either tolerate such “advances” or are up to the ears in promoting them.

      There is no Left and Right, merely those who believe in Live and Let Live and those who don’t.

      • Darin says:

        These same people that are pushing involuntary suicide are often the same ones that oppose the killing of convicted murderers.
        As for the Judeo-Christian heritage and it’s opposition to abortion.Not anymore,at least not in the old line denominations,most of them are fine with it.Also flooding the country with third world invaders along with huge chunks of social justice indoctrination.
        As I told a friend recently when I was asked by I quit going to church-“I didn’t leave the church,the church left me”

        • Pascal says:

          The old line denominations are business oriented today. It doesn’t make the Judeo-Christian ethic null and void, it is the businesses’ legitimacy that is null and void. Yes, you didn’t leave the church, the church left you and those like you long ago. I am fully on board with that.

          In case you forgot, I have long ago claimed to be an agnostic. I stick to it because I have not had a divine visitation, so I lack explicit knowledge. But as for the evidence of the immense value of the core creed, that I do know. Just about all in public office are full throwbacks to pagan times and they were filled with death cults.

          The contemporary Western death cult pins its alleged moral code to Malthusian thinking (something even Malthus swore off in his later years) and the belief that Malthus just has to be eventually correct. Of course the haters of humanity are fully on board with the true believers even if they themselves aren’t. The haters have always been there in all eras and usually marginalize themselves. What is dangerous about this band of true believers is they have so effectively propagandized their viewpoint to a significant portion of the public that they are getting laws passed and rulings made that treat those like you and I — although we may be of different religion we are united against them — as heretics in need of reeducation or a vast die-off, and our views need to be de-platformed everywhere. The de-platforming has been largely successful in the wider public media, that is for sure.

          So even though I remain agnostic on ethical grounds, I remain faithful to the underlying principles that allowed humanity to advance so far and so fast that we have largely lost sight of the creeds that made it all possible. It ought to be alarming, but is probably simply a natural outcome arising from human nature that it took so little indoctrination to achieve such an immense ignorance of the gratitude we owe the old valuable creeds. Do you recall one blessing before each meal “May God make us truly grateful for the blessing we are about to receive.” I see that sentiment has long been forgotten. I have to wonder if it ever was really understood that it contains a warning about NOT being grateful for the blessing we received — and what and Who made it possible. We are at the point where such a meaning may sink it to a few smart souls — but too late.

          One thing of which I am certain, this embracing of Neo-paganism and/or Islam is a sure road to a new and miserable dark age.

  8. KG says:

    ‘There is no Left and Right, merely those who believe in Live and Let Live and those who don’t.’
    The left/right labels are still useful, though, since a majority of leftists clearly don’t believe in ‘live and let live’.

    • Pascal says:

      Yes, the Left is more open about it, no question.

      But I have less faith in the distinction you keep KG because I’ve met too many who claim to be on the Right who are perfectly fine with letting the Left take the heat for what they obviously like in that they have never really tried to stop it (“our hands are clean”). I care far less for what people claim than about what they do and do not.

      For instance did you see how those two “right” SCOTUS Roberts and Kavanaugh did not allow review of cases favoring Planned Barrenhood?

      I warned people about the Left’s assault on Kavanaugh working quite well to take up our times defending him against the outrageous tactics and making it about impossible to find fault with some of his Left-leaning record.

  9. Darin says:

    Independent Man-Wallstreet Adopts the Pence Rule

    In the latest fallout from the #metoo movement,some managers have just decided to stop hiring women.

  10. mawm says:

    Mark Levin on Non Disclosure Agreements and campaign finances.

    “SDNY knew Cohen would plead. It therefore knew its absurd allegations would not be tested in any courtroom — district, circuit or Supreme Court. If they were tested, SDNY would be hammered like a nail.

    But it knew the left-wing media and politicians would use the mere over-the-top allegations from its office, with absolutely nothing more, to claim the president committed campaign felonies. No due process. No assumption of innocence.

    They knew they couldn’t charge a sitting president. Thus, they convict the president in the press, not only an extreme act of professional misconduct but a violation of the very purpose of the DOJ memos banning the indictment of a sitting president while effectively indicting him in the court of public opinion, and watch as untold numbers of media personalities and former members of the SDNY, among others, use this dirty work to predict or demand the president’s indictment and/or impeachment.”

    The Democrats are scumbags, and slowly the American public are waking up to it. They only won the House because they cheated and the RINO’s are too scared to confront them.

  11. Darin says:

    Jay Leno-1931 Duesenberg Model J Chasis-

    In 1931 the Duesenberg Model J straight 8 cylinder made 265 Hp at 4250 rpm,the supercharged version made 320,

  12. Darin says:

    Take a guess at what is “offensive” in this video-

    Poor fellow got roasted by some lefty pricks on an international model forum for his paint scheme :evil:

    • KG says:

      “City staff told the news station, since the sculpture is considered public art, their hands are tied and they’re stuck with the middle finger.”

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  13. Darin says:

    This is why robotic manufacturing cells are walled off from the rest of the factory floor-

    :shock: amazing that he survived

  14. KG says:

    No ropes, El Capitan:

    That’s a jaw-dropping feat to anyone who has tried even mid-level free climbing.