Tucker: “The American Dream is Dying”

(thanks to Darin for the space to post this)

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13 Responses to Tucker: “The American Dream is Dying”

  1. Dan says:

    A more accurate statement would be that it is being MURDERED.

  2. KG says:

    If all those toxic white males withheld their labour for just one week it would send a powerful message…..

  3. Sally says:

    “The Mechanics of Deception ”


  4. the conservative says:

    Women don’t want to marry men who earn less than them, who would have thought?
    That’s called innate biology. Women have always looked for men who are stronger than them; men who can protect them and their family. And men that can provide for them because by nature women have babies and are by nature ‘home builders’ but say that to a feminist and you would be skinned alive.

  5. Robertv says:

    Socialism’s Slippery Slope


    The Peter Schiff Show Podcast – Episode 438

  6. Pascal says:

    The event below fits in this thread since it signals the death of the American Dream of a truly free press.

    After the dawn arrest of Roger Stone with storm trooper appearances, coordinated with CNN lights and cameras, there is nothing more needed to justify labeling the “mainstream media” as the Soviet-Style Media.

    And how we burned in the camps later, thinking…