Pray for Our Cousins to the North

Mr Trudeau said at a victory rally

“For those who did not vote for us, we will govern for over everyone. We will fight for all Canadians.”

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8 Responses to Pray for Our Cousins to the North

  1. Pascal says:

    The hold of corporate media over the minds of voters remains strong. Let us pray the media disease which was barely kept at bay down here in 2016 can still be kept under control in 2020. And God helps those who help themselves.

  2. Nemesis says:

    I am very disappointed for the Canadian people, even those who were silly enough to vote for a world laughing stock of a soy boy prime minister, and who will, when the SHTF, run a million miles from the problem because he wouldn’t know his arse from his elbow.

    I would suggest that anyone who can get hold of a photo of Fidel Castro at 40 years of age, which is roughly the same age as the Canadian soy boy, would be struck by the many similarities of the two – some say ol’ Fidel is soy boy’s real father!

  3. Darin says:

    Turdo presided over the destruction of Canada’s manufacturing sector and he’s well on to destroying the energy and mining sectors as well. And like everywhere else in the west, the people who actually do the work and make the country run will be the ones that suffer under the weight of the big city elite.

  4. You know those occupancy limits on elevators and stadiums?
    We need those on large metropolitan sectors.

    • Darin says:

      If we abandoned the ” one man one vote” rule in drawing district maps that would fix it, because then all the felons, illegal aliens and people who just don’t bother to vote wouldn’t count.