Trump’s Less Racist America

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3 Responses to Trump’s Less Racist America

  1. Darin says:

    How not to get your ass kicked by the Police-

    • Darin says:

      Basically the left deems as racist/misogynistic/homophobic any group or organization that they haven’t completely infected with identity politics.

      The thing is, their policies always end up hurting the groups they claim to represent. The evidence is all around us, the most glaring is the black community here. 50 years supposedly trying to “help” them and all it has done is push them down to the lowest socioeconomic strata in the nation.

      So, when we see the first plane load of caskets, filled with a mostly female combat unit, or we start seeing the circus of the first “transgender females” being bunked in female barracks. I will tell them all proudly that I told them so.
      “Maternity flight suits” I guess next we will have to have regular combat pauses to breastfeed Jr? Shakes head and walks away