Trump Haters So Deranged They Now Unwittingly Align With Him

There are many irons in the fire incentivizing citizens to relinquish their rights bit by bit. The following provides a simple observation over the effectiveness of one tactic: fear. I don’t know if any reader will gain any use from this odd insight, but I felt compelled to offer it anyway. Just maybe the uncomfortable ties and the ridicule so associated can break the spell in a few of the afflicted each one of you encounter. Pray such efforts lessen the body count. It would be encouraging to learn of any successes and instructive to be informed of failures.

It is amazing how witlessly all those Trump haters have taken on what even his supporters admit was his most debilitating (and assailable) trait — germophobia. He was a germophobe and now, ironically, so are they. We used to laugh at such people. Long after he was dead, ridiculous images of Howard Hughes served as a warning against becoming one.

Wait, there’s more!

Then Biden comes into office and the Trump haters did a 180ยบ turn: they went from critics of the vax to full out supporters overnight. Not only that, but a large number are supportive of coercing everyone in the country to get a shot. Some — even one panicky sibling of yours truly — say “Yes, the unwilling should be forced.” Forced injection of a compound that was and still is listed as only usable in an emergency — for an illness that has lower lethality than the annual flu. And now evidence emerges that the vaccinated could be super-spreaders. Any way one looks at what has transpired, one sees unhinged panic and divisiveness — made to order for those who pay huge fees to mass media and for those who run it.

Trump haters called him fascist, and in their panic are trending to support full fascism* now that he’s gone. How “Progressive!”

Dear merciful Lord, I pray there are enough of us repentant ones still extant that you will guide us to a solution.


*Fascists chose the perfect symbol in the fasces.

Sticks are gathered together to protect the deliverer of power and then bound tightly to it. Individual sticks that are not part of the alliance are easy prey, and that provides a strong incentive for others to join sooner since the entry “fee” increases later. Look how readily some corporations joined that nobody expected to see bend over so easily. Sadly for the merely coerced, it will not be easy for any member to slip out (when the costs exceed the benefits) once bound to the axe handle. Ask a member of the Mafia how easy it is to retire.

Sure an Alexander must eventually arise to cut these bindings, but what motive drives our Alexander’s audacity? Saving grace here is that many Americans still have faith in One True Higher Power. Pray they are sufficient in number for a Washington to emerge.

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17 Responses to Trump Haters So Deranged They Now Unwittingly Align With Him

  1. We must have a spiritual awakening or people will sleepwalk to their doom.

    • Pascal says:

      The phenomenon “There are no atheists in foxholes” may indeed kick in, but will it be before too many have gone over the cliff?

  2. Grog says:

    Misfit posted a related screed.

    It’s regrettable to a fashion, how many people will not accept the reality, that this has been a lie for 18 months, to advance the measure of control that some in the gov want to impose on regular people, and it is not regrettable.

    And if Misfit reads this and wants to argue, not interested.

    • Pascal says:

      So Misfit served her country in the Navy means she can’t be a fool or worse? McCain also served his country in the Navy. After coming home that privileged, nepotistic Admiral’s Navy-brat, did all he could to make the rest of us pay for his incompetence by hating on common citizens every chance he got. Any good he may have done died with him while the evil he perpetrated for selfish reasons (foremost, used his Senator seat to end all chances of repatriating Nam POWs) we may never recover from.

      As for misfit’s belief that the unvaccinated can cause her harm were her vaccination truly effective serves to highlight her incurable idiocy. Assuredly she refuses to heed the news from Massachusetts that in the recent outbreak there the previous vaccinated were the most infected. The wise learn from the mistakes of others. The merely smart learn from their own mistakes. Morons never learn.

      • Darin says:

        Vet or not, democrat = traitor

        • Pascal says:

          LOL. Maybe you recall I conducted an acronym contest to replace RINO with something nastier. The winner, a vet Navy chief, came up with SKUNC. He deemed things got so bad with McCain that said he wasn’t going to malign skunks by calling that traitor a SKUNC. Dems are bad, but at least we know what they are up front. Turncoats and pretenders continue to be far more dangerous to us — they undermine trust in our ranks.

          • Darin says:

            I got a buddy that refers to the DNC as the SCO
            Satanic Clown Orgy , fits perfectly I’d say

  3. Under Fascism, the government coopts corporations to do their dirty work for them.
    Can’t mandate cell modification drugs? Get industry to do it for you.
    Then have the DOJ say it’s OK and OSHA say you have no litigious recourse in the event of damages..
    Your government is at war with you.

    • Pascal says:

      Somewhere along the way public servants realized that tinkering with the constitution over time had irreversibly made the public their servants.

      The federal system of the USA is indeed fascist of the good variety. A union of sovereign states with a central defender, treaty negotiator, minter of coin, mailman and mediator of interstate disputes. It was patterned after SPQR — republican Rome before it was taken down by its own power-mad generals.

      Mussolini introduced a despotic retooling that we defeated last century. We now find ourselves facing a reboot of the 20th Century variety.

      So yes, the hollow shell calling itself the “American” government is truly at war with Americans, and madly ironic, it’s using its intrinsic formation to do so.

    • MikeH. says:

      “Your government is at war with you.”

      According to my research, the U.S. government is made up of about 2.5 million elected and bureaucratic dingleberries. According to their figures, there are 76 million of us “deplorables” (although the democommies have a serious problem with basic math) and 434 million citizen owned firearms.

      Your assignment for today, class; explain the difference between an insurrection and a resistance.

      • Darin says:

        One is a figment of leftist media’s imagination, the other is a target rich environment :twisted:

      • Andy5759 says:

        434 divided by 76 equals 5.7. If you have any to spare please ship them to England. We may need of them. Thank you.

  4. Andy Texan says:

    There is plenty of internet scuttlebutt that the death jab is rushed by the powers that be to severely cull the population of the world prior to an civilization destroying cosmic event believed to be imminent. Covid the virus has never been isolated. The test for covid is pure fraud. The jab is totally unnecessary other than a means of killing without incurring immediate backlash.

    • Darin says:

      At this point anything is possible. Just when I think the world couldn’t get anymore bizzare, it one ups me.

    • Pascal says:

      The powers that be have long been the biggest threat to humanity even before Malthus provided them a temporarily rational reason for their hatred of lower classes. They hate any religion that holds human life sacred as that is exact opposite of their beliefs and agenda. What has changed is that they not only can cull world population, but they can get a bunch of fools to accept a chip that provides loads of info. Such as DNA compatibility for the organ market prior to their harvesting a chosen “donator.” They also can monitor herd member health as that will bring a higher price. There is no end to the potential for money makers in the already operating cannibalistic society. And, of course, a potential for them to live forever.

      So today, or very soon, there is a means that satisfies a motivation that squares Darwin with the harvesters’ hatred of their source of unlimited spare parts.