Open House 10/8/22

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41 Responses to Open House 10/8/22

  1. Pascal says:

    Boy, these two just reamed Hanlon a new butt hole.

    • Darin says:

      It will come full circle back to stupidity though as Gates and his ilk realize they are mortal and touchable.

      • Pascal says:

        I think it’s worse than mindless stupidity. Gates (and others like him, but let’s continue to use him as the avatar of that sort) appears to be mesmerized with destruction. Why?

        There is a huge likelihood to suspect the desire to destroy on a large scale is related to the ultimate violation of the Tenth Commandment. With all the wealth he has accumulated — only he knows how much by fair or foul means — came all this power to affect the lives of others. But he cannot create life. So far it seems only The Creator can do so. Many have faith in Him. But even the atheist has doubts he is correct in believing that God does not exist, and will think “but what if He does” from time to time. And even after he discards his doubt, what remains is the concept of God.

        And an apparently Godless man such as our avatar will be frustrated. For all his power he cannot compete even with the concept of God. “So many people love that concept but resent and even hate me.” So we can see how our avatar’s resentment came to be as boundless as that which he has come to hate megalomaniacally.

        So what remains for this ungrateful oaf to do to express his dissatisfaction? Destroy all that is good that he can, for the good is what God represents and makes available to all.

        Sure there are fools who believe in the Malthusian Inevitability, but Gates simply hides behind their antihuman drive to aid them so he may strike back at the very concept of An Ultimate Creator. There cannot be a trace of selflessness in such a Godless creature. Whatever drive he started out with to achieve his wealth, almost certainly he is now solely driven by hatred for an Idea he finds out of his reach.

      • Pascal says:

        Were I to turn the above response into an essay, its title might be “What drives a megalomaniac?”

    • Pascal says:

      In any essay I’d write, I insert this bit of transcript in a side panel that could be clicked on to read the pertinent passages with which he destroys the use of Hanlon to evade facing up to reality.

      Jordan Peterson says:
      @0:42 “I always think if you can explain it with stupidity you don’t have to explain it with malevolence.”

      [series of examples of blatant wrongs.]

      @3:20 I don’t see how we could be stupider here in the west if we actually took courses in stupidity and tried as hard as we could. We seem to be doing everything we can to break everything as rapidly as possible.

      And then I wonder too (you know), is it, has it got to the point where the people who think (you know) that you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs and there’s too many people on the planet think that this is some sort of like needles eye that we have to go through all this Mass starvation and death so that we end up with a sustainable population?

      I mean Jesus Christ that’s a dim and Grim scenario but I as you said why would you take the Dutch Farmers out of business when when they’re so unbelievably hyper productive and efficient? It’s just, it’s not like there’s too much food.”

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    If the efficacy of a medical procedure as highly rated as colonoscopy doesn’t hold up to careful evaluation, what else isn’t as good as the medical professionals tell us?

    • Darin says:

      The wife of a good friend of mine is a Cancer researcher. From a conversation on the subject we had years ago. She said detecting cancer is one thing, treating it is another thing entirely. So with colon cancer, she said the lower it is, the lower the chances of treating it successfully early detection or not.
      From people I’ve known that had it her assertion holds true. The people I have known that had cancer in the lower colon/rectum, all died of it within 5 years. The ones that had it higher up are still living, some 20+ years later with no further occurrence.
      I can accept that as a reality, what I have issue with the medical community as it exists in the US is the false hope they seem to peddle. If you have good insurance, according to the propaganda they peddle, there isn’t much they can’t cure. Of course it’s bullshit, but it allows them to bill insurance or medicare.

      • pb says:

        Most people die with cancer, not from it.

        My Dad was getting pressure to go under the knife, and live with a bag, and have his quality of life ruined. I argued no. He listened, and is fine, 15 years later. This German/English site has plenty of information on the risks in medical malfeasance:

        Australia has too many doctors pumped out by their medical schools, who are simply chasing money.

        • pb says:

          Of a thousand women tested for breast cancer, 100 had the shit frightened out of them, 5 had their breasts removed, unnecessarily.

          Women tested by mammograms were OVER diagnosed and treated unnecessarily.

          • mawm says:

            More women survive or live longer with modern treatment for breast cancer.

            Treatment for cancers have essentially been excision of as much tumor tissue as possible and then give toxic chemicals to kill fast dividing cells. Unfortunately this also means cells like those in the bone marrow. More specific directed immunotherapy has been much more successful. There had been hope for targeted mRNA therapy but it probably will not be accepted by large numbers after the Covid fiasco.

        • Pascal says:

          Add to that

          1. the elimination of the Hippocratic Oath and those who attempt to live by it.
          2. the propensity to not let anyone fail out of med school once they’ve been deemed fit enough to be admitted.
          • Darin says:

            Correlation doesn’t equal causation. Crunch any data set and you will come to conclusions that are either meaningless or completely wrong. Just because two things coincide,doesn’t mean they are related.
            That is a concept that has been lost and it creates a ready trap for people to fall into. Take any of the statistics touted by the media and you will find most are either wrong in their assertions or completely wrong in their assumptions.
            Time is the only way we have to reach concrete conclusions as demonstrated by the long range studies we see here.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    The NZ Government has no idea on what the ideal atmospheric level of Co2 or methane is, so it is impossible to set a limit on the level of emissions (never mind that NZ is so small the emissions will make no difference).

    BTW, there have been strict regulations on gun ownership for decades.

    • Pascal says:

      Sounds to me like Jacinda’s version of the Netherlands determination to starve people to death by curbing food production activity.

      Death cultists are alive and well and operating at will at our peril.

      • Darin says:

        “Instead, he said farmers would be selling their farms “so fast you won’t even hear the dogs barking on the back of the ute (pickup truck) as they drive off”.

        And the Chinese will be buying them up….

  4. Pascal says:


    • Darin says:

      The funny thing is, I didn’t know anything about this until PP backtracked. I cancelled our accounts at work about ten minutes later

  5. Darin says:

    Well,well,this is quite a quandary for Democrats-
    Seems Muslim parents are none to happy about them teaching their kids to be alphabet people. The schoolboard had better get it in gear before an Allah Snackbar moment happens

    • pb says:

      I’m pretty sure muslim morality, is very close to christian morality. The war between Muslim and Christian was staged, because of this little fact. We could learn a few things from the Muslims.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Christianity is based on Love. “For God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son that we might have life and have it more abundantly.” ” Greater Love hath no man than he give his life for his friends.” “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another even as I have loved you”. and “Love your enemies. Bless those that hate you. Do good to them that persucute you.”

        Nowhere does Christian morality say it is ok to be friendly to non-Christian but hate them in your heart. Nowhere is it ok to enslave non-believers or require them to pay a tax to live in a Christian country or kill them as heretics.

        • Pascal says:

          Fools will argue that Christian principles have been tarnished by many actions in the past of those claiming to be its adherents. But that is in the breach of those values, not in following them. Its principles provided the foundation for far more advancements in both knowledge and just governance than any other widely held faith.

          I always find it significant that its staunchest enemies always point out how its followers are not perfect. I think it exposes their attempt to forestall being held at fault for violating every one of those principles any time they wish.

          That type is wholly happy with the death cult to which they have given almost total free license.

          I’m told I should provide examples when I make a declaration like the last paragraph. My response is that I refuse to underestimate the intelligence and decency of my audience. They can easily think of three or four of the worst examples on their own.

          • Pb says:

            That’s it. That’s the vigour I wished more would defend our Christian faith and culture with. Just a little more vigour, than bend over, none. Jesus is at least recognised in the Koran. Secularists hate morality. With morality gone you get to make lots of money. Somewhere in about the first amendment, separation of church and state, the American experiment (the worlds secular religion) went astray. It forgot god, and worships money and those that have it. The TV and little black screens spew out lies like vomit.

            For those whom use the twisted meme that “religion” has been the cause of much war, recall the last hundred years. 100’s of millions dead at the behest of godless secular movements: communism, capitalism, national socialism, abortionism. Lots of dead hearted ideologies.


  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    Another sign the Dems don’t want to consider contrary opinions protected by free speech. If you think your opponents positions are ‘lies’ shouldn’t you want to debate them so you can refute the errors?

    • Darin says:

      Minnesota is another lost state like California, insanity has taken root there.

    • mawm says:

      There’s just so much wrong with this world at present.

      I’m watching with some bemusement as a friend’s woke daughter meets reality now that she has graduated from med school.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Just another one of those conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.

    • mawm says:

      I see that Devin Nunes claims that somebody from the DOJ is blocking Durham from prosecuting Comey et al.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    I love how, when something like this happens, astrophysicists say, “We should have know this because a+b+c,” but a+b+c makes no sense to anyone but them.

  8. Pascal says:

    I’ve good reason to be suspicious of “Citizen Free Press”

    To this post, 80 Canadian doctors have ‘died suddenly’… I left a short comment that read something like “Of course. Killing off effective healers would be a primary item on the agenda of our ever more openly active Death Cults.”

    I went back today to see if anyone responded to it and it was gone. I sorted their comment stream with oldest first. Then searched for my name and even death cult, but nothing. It was gone.

    And this is not the first time this has happened. Another comment on a Tucker thread got removed a few days ago, and another one on some other topic, last week.

    I left this following inquiry comment. and it immediately disappeared. Tried again. Ditto.

    Hey Moderators: Enough already. This is not the first time. Why have you been deleting my comments? Or are you merely the popular front for corporate media?

    My most recent comment, the one I left on this thread yesterday afternoon, would be precisely the sort of thing the big guys would never permit being said. You have my email address. I am sharing this event with others. But you have no worries, I’m just a nobody, right? [emphasis added]

    I will inform you should they send me that email. I am not holding my breath.

    Now why would MSM want to have a popular front? To post stories they figure could anger some nutcases could never cross the mind of corporate media honchos, now could it?

    One more thing I’d forgotten about until today.
    More than a month ago there was some cultural story that inspired me to write something like “maybe the fault lies with us having been too tolerant and careless about what lunatics say.”

    Something I’ve never seen happen before to anyone happened to me. In a very short time (maybe a half hour) my comment was super “popular.” It had 18 NEGATIVE votes. Almost no way that could happen unless the mods had something to do with it. But I shrugged and forgot about it until today.

    • Darin says:

      It’s hard to say. I’ve posted comments there before that went right up and others that never appeared. I don’t know how their moderation works, if it’s multiple individuals (it would have to be given the page views) or AI. A fabrication forum I frequent for the past 20 years has a mix of both. One of the human mods had great difficulty understanding sarcasm and nuked posts from longtime posters including myself, until somebody pointed it out and took away the keys.

      It may also be that they are going the paid subscription route. Most times when that happens it gets difficult to post a comment unless you’re a contributor. Right Nation went that way and now it’s behind a wall.

      Or, it may well be what you suspect and someone has bought them out.

      • Pascal says:

        I don’t know what to make of it either. I too have had comments stay up and even garner votes.

        I’m shocked at myself for shrugging about that early behavior. I originally thought that maybe my comment got attacked by some troll and he invited friends to join in and attack my cautionary comment. Hell would want to prevent anyone from repenting, right? Plus several later up votes came in and lowered the number of negatives into a single digit.

        But these later behaviors? Do they offer a premium subscription? I didn’t notice.

        I know I kept getting invitations to VIP membership at PJmedia that I patronize almost exclusively to read Wretchard. And now ONLY subscribers can even READ the comments at Belmont Club. So I began commenting at instead and send him a few bucks now and then.

  9. mawm says:

    Nigel Farage on the globalist takeover of the UK.

    • Darin says:

      It’s just the same here Mawm, the republicans are set to flip the tables in November, but what will change if they do? I actually expect for the decline to accelerate because the repubs are just the rightwing of the uniparty.