Questions never answered:

‘..Nevertheless, because fully to know where anyone is going requires grasping whence he comes, let us open ourselves to wonder how, minus miracles, a 10-year-old boy without obvious talent who had lived in Indonesia since age six ends up with an eight-year scholarship to Hawaii’s most exclusive school; a scholarship to Occidental College; a transfer into Columbia University; acceptance into Harvard Law School, and editorship of its law review; and how he goes from job to prestigious job without apparently mastering any of the previous ones…’   Source
(Thanks to Mawm for the tip)

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7 Responses to Questions never answered:

  1. KG says:

    And how a “penniless” student can afford to spend two weeks in the Lahore Hilton…..

  2. Kris K says:

    That article, though quite long, really is well worth the read. Probably one of the best insights into Obama, his family, his mentors and sponsors, and hence what formulates his world-view I have read yet.

  3. Kris K says:

    KG, O/T but I just put a post up over at my place which may be of interest to Gecko:

    How feminism made so many nurses too grand to care

  4. Darin says:

    It’s been clear as Crystal that what we know as Obama did not ascend to the office of POTUS by his own merits or ambitions.

  5. Flashman says:

    The world learned more about Tiger Woods’ sex life in two days than it has about Zero’s touchstones in life in 6 years.

    Given his job title, it’s remarkable how very little of Zero’s biography is out in the sunlight. An individual who has left remarkably few footprints or most likely, he has had them assiduously brushed out. Rather like a shady character in a Frederick Forsyth novel in fact.

    • Darin says:

      Exactly right Flash,the man has a gapping hole in his past,yet he ends up in the oval office.