Swamp Rats

Did Trump just catch intel leaks?


Headlines up on Drudge-


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How Trump Can Drain the Higher Education Swamp

Redirecting Federal funds away from “civics” courses could well see an end to leftist  indoctrination on campus-

Push back-

“You’ll also see it in how the two sides look at the Department of Education. The Republican gentleman thinks that education, including higher ed, is properly a matter for the states, and that all such federal grants should be zeroed out. But the Obama DOE has undertaken a massive effort to remake our politics and culture, and the ruffian thinks we should answer the Democrats in kind. If they’ve paid universities to teach contempt for America and American values, let’s sponsor a different set of programs that teach what’s right about America and admirable about our Constitution and culture.”

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Open House

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Did Russian Hacking Give Obama Two Elections?

Inquiring minds want to know-

Read it here-

“If you are convinced that Russians “hacked” the 2016 presidential election to put Donald Trump in the Oval Office, then you need to consider the possibility that they also equally influenced the last two election cycles.”

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The Titanic Has Set Sail

A write up from Judge Napolitano on the “most scandal free” administration in history.


“Over the New Year’s weekend, President Barack Obama’s chief policy adviser and closest strategist, Valerie Jarrett, told a talk show host that her boss would have a happy legacy because there was an absence of scandal in his administration. When first I heard this preposterous claim, I thought I had misheard it. Yet it is apparently true that President Obama and his team somehow can overlook recent history and behave as if events with which we are all familiar never happened.”

The left’s lies just keep getting more and more grandiose don’t they? 

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The loathsome integrity-free NZ Herald:

A piece in the Socialist Herald today
‘Janfrie Wakim: New Zealand must show Israel cost of staying its course’
and at the bottom of this article we have this:
‘Janfrie Wakim is a long-time Auckland campaigner for human rights in Palestine.”  link
“Palestine”? There is no such place and never was. The piece is nothing less than propaganda on behalf of liars and terrorists.

I very much doubt Israel gives a flying f**k what a pissant little socialist Pacific island thinks about the problem.

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Open House

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Don’t believe them

When the media says the coming total rejection of liberalism is just a momentary passing fad.They are losing big time and furthermore they know it.They have lied to us long enough that even some on the left are waking up to it.

Televised news and print media are losing money at a rate never before seen and as any 5th grader knows profitability in media is directly tied to market share.The once great hope of the print media,that the internet and online operations would be their savior hasn’t panned out for them either.They are slowly relegating themselves to being seen as the lunatic mumbling gibberish and scribbling on the asylum wall.

And what got them to this point?As the saying goes-“”You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”The media  as a whole have pushed the official narrative for decades,the sky is red,cats chase dogs and the Easter bunny drives a Porsch.As Daniel Greenfield said-“The problem is reality,that is the truth,has a way of making itself known”.People are waking up and realizing that things aren’t right and those that tell us otherwise are seen for what they are-Liars

So,what is replacing the LSM? You and I for one,humble blog writers and commenters,more people are gleaning their information from sources on the web,like anything else this trend has it’s good points and it’s bad points,but on the whole I believe it is a net positive.Proof of this is the threat level being felt by the LSM,the verbal and written attacks on the web feed and so called”fake news” is increasing to a dull howl.And who else has taken notice?Why governments of course,the propaganda bosses aren’t liking the way the shop is being kept.Notice the thrashing about by various government apparatchiks wishing to censor free speech online.

State controlled media is next to fail,the cracks are already showing and for the same reasons.As the Australian Youtuber Bearing recently pointed out,LSM readership is down across the board and it’s because the public is trending away from the BS they have been fed.When a guy in his pajamas sitting in front of his computer at home has twice the following of your flagship journalist at a major print media outlet you have truly shit the bed.

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‘The Year Reheated’

David Thompson:
‘In which we glimpse the world through the eyes of our self-imagined betters.
….And remember, they’re showing us the way.’

And of course, there’s Olga’s Problem.

(Thanks to Darin for the space)

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Cologne One Year On

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