Happy 2017!

Here’s to a happy 2017 and may all of you find a greater measure of health,peace and prosperity in the new year!

I also want to thank all of you for making CR a task worth doing! 

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2016-Not the Worst Year Ever

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John Kerry’s Record of Ugly Betrayals

John Kerry,slimy traitor always-

“Now Kerry has apparently tired of the struggle for a safe and secure Jewish state, though one American administration after another — Republican and Democratic — held the line at the Security Council. Kerry organized an abstention on a resolution that says it’s illegal for Jews to settle in Judea and Samaria — and Jerusalem, inviting a claim that the remnants of the Second Temple are “occupied” Palestinian territory.”

Once a traitor,always a traitor 


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The Left’s Bloody Hands

As if the worst abomination of our time wasn’t enough-

Human life reduced to a marketable commodity

“Let us also hope the drive to defund Planned Parenthood of Americans’ tax dollars gains irresistible momentum. It is past time that organization, a dealer in death and the sale of human body parts — including the sale of baby skins — was put out of business.”

There have been an estimated 58,000,000 abortions in the US since 1973-A stain on our nation greater than any in my opinion.

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That’s okay lefties,we found somebody to sing

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Open House

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Finally a Symbol for SJW’s

Courtesy of Truth Revolt

More Political Satire at-

The People’s Cube

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A Great Thinker is Retiring

Thomas Sowell is putting down the pen at age 86-


In my opinion Thomas Sowell is one of the best minds of our time,his insight will be greatly missed.


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Quit the UN!

Daniel Greenfield-The US Should not only defund the UN,but withdraw from it-


“Just this summer the UN admitted that it had spread cholera that killed tens of thousands in Haiti. Sexual abuse allegations against its staffers were up 25% last year. In the spring, the UN admitted that peacekeepers from three countries had raped over 100 girls in only one African country. That’s not the kind of international cooperation that any of the organization’s founders had in mind.”

In concept,the idea of a global body to pursue peace and the betterment of mankind was a good idea.In practice,not so much,time to end this disaster.

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UP Bigboy and an interesting site

And much more at-

Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 Big Boy Locomotive

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