Ethno Masochism

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start culling the bastards

Slimy, de-balled overpaid bureaucrats, that is, not Orcas:

‘Harbourmaster stood down over orca rescue’
and, entirely unrelated, one of Wabbit’s favourite places in his early yoof:
‘The sale of the world’s largest cattle station – Anna Creek in the far north of South Australia – has settled today after eight months of negotiations.
…Anna Creek and the associated outstation, The Peake, cover 23,677 sq km of pastoral land, which will double the size of Williams Cattle Company’s holdings to some 45,000 sq km. Together, they have a capacity for 35,000 cattle…’

Stunningly beautiful – but very unforgiving – country.

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Oh Deers

The latest scare brought to you by the AGW loonies,shrinking Reindeer-No,I kid you not.

“Albon and his fellow researchers blame climate change for the shrinking reindeer.”

Yes kiddies,smaller Reindeer mean Santa can bring less presents for you and it’s all the fault of your parent’s carbon footprint 

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PJW: The Truth about Russia hacking the Election

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The Coming Crackdown on Sancturary Cities

This could be epic and let me be the first to say it-Lock them up!

“The federal government needs to start arresting local officials like Emanuel for blocking the enforcement of federal immigration law. Those who enable the lawlessness of sanctuary cities deserve to be behind bars.”

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Drain the Swamp-DOE in the Cross hairs.

Thanks to Michael for the tip!

The DOE vs. Ugly Reality

Get the Popcorn and Beer ready 

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  The author and newspaper columnist AA Gill has died at the age of 62, following a brief battle with cancer.
..”He was the heart and soul of the paper. His wit was incomparable, his writing was dazzling and fearless, his intelligence was matched by compassion. Adrian was a giant among journalists…”    Link
His restaurant reviews were sometimes scathing, sometimes very funny and always informed and entertaining. But Wabbit’s favourite piece is this:
‘Towton, the bloodbath that changed the course of our history’
The man sure could write!

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Open House

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British “justice”

‘Fury as murder probe is launched into all killings by British soldiers in Northern Ireland
EX-SERVICEMEN in their 60s and 70s are set to be investigated under a new inquiry launched into 302 killings by British troops in Northern Ireland…’
But no mention of the terrorists given “get out of jail free” cards by Tony (vomit) Blair.

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PJW-The Cultural Enrichment of Germany

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