More Trump picks

Thanks to Pascal for the tip

Trump picks climate change skeptic to head EPA-

Also picks retired Marine General Kelly to head DHS-

Liberal heads explode!

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December 7-1941



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The Sixth Branch of the US Military

The Chair Force-

Rampant waste-

“The data showed that the Defense Department was paying a staggering number of people — 1,014,000 contractors, civilians and uniformed personnel — to fill back-office jobs far from the front lines. That workforce supports 1.3 million troops on active duty, the fewest since 1940.”

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Brexit Betrayal

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“Political Turmoil” More please!

Merkel ,the last idiot in the room-


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Open House

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On time and under budget

What’s going on in the Trump transition-

“Donald Trump has many flaws, more than his fair share, but in this area of being on time and under budget, his track record is close to brilliant.  One of the main reasons I preferred Trump early on was this clear aura of competence, one he earned.  He didn’t do these projects in cities that are all that business friendly; he did them in New York, and other large cities all over who are just as bureaucratic and just as tough.”


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Lefty central planners

AKA stupid idiots-

“City officials have intentionally ground Midtown to a halt with the hidden purpose of making drivers so miserable that they leave their cars at home and turn to mass transit or bicycles, high-level sources told The Post.

Today’s gridlock is the result of an effort by the Bloomberg and de Blasio administrations over more than a decade of redesigning streets and ramping up police efforts, the sources said.”

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What are they really afraid of?

We have been hearing it and seeing it for nearly two years on a daily minute by minute basis.The irrational fear of Donald Trump.Let’s step back and look at it-

Trump,according to them is going to,or is-

Going to build a wall because he hates Mexicans

Going to set women’s rights back because he’s a sexist,misogynist,p—y grabber.

Going to put black people back in chains.

Going to start WWIII because he’s a loose cannon.

Going to ruin America’s standing in the world because he’s unqualified.

On and on and on they droned,the SJW’s the Dems,the media,the Republican establishment,all hated him and all came out with their knives drawn.Hatred being often driven by fear,either real or imagined one has to ask what exactly are all these minstrel show characters afraid of?What even now has them trembling in fear and frothing at the mouth?

Success, they are afraid of success,not just that Trump will be successful,but even more so that America will once again be successful. Because with success comes repudiation of everything they hold dear.


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Suck it up Buttercup,it’s over!

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