Article V-The New Frontier

Is it possible and what will the ramifications be if a Convention of the States is called and is successful?

Via American Thinker

For those not familiar-

A fourth branch of government was created by Article V of the Constitution, superior to the other three.  It consists of 7,382 voting members, distributed in the 50 States.  In order to act, this fourth branch, which I call the Federal Assembly, must organize itself into a two-thirds supermajority of the States in order to make a proposal.  Majorities in both houses of a state legislature in 34 states must agree on the subject matter to be addressed by an Amendment Convention.  And then, once the Amendment Convention agrees on the language of the proposed Amendment, an even more challenging three-fourths supermajority of states is required to adopt it.

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Gatlinburg,Tennessee Burns

Sad times in Gatlinburg,Tennessee-

DM has the story


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Open House

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Take down the Flag huh?

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And so it begins

Team Hillary to jump in on election recount drive-

“Kellyanne Conway, who was Trump’s campaign manager and is now a senior adviser, was less conciliatory. “What a pack of sore losers,” she said in a statement. “After asking Mr. Trump and his team a million times on the trail, ‘Will HE accept the election results?’ it turns out Team Hillary and their new BFF Jill Stein can’t accept reality.”

Where’s my Oak stake and Hammer? :evil:

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Fidel Castro-Dead as a Doorknob

Bout damn time-

The New York Times readers of course are in mourning,it hasn’t been a good last few weeks for them you see 


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Want to Trigger some lefties?

Play some Lynyrd Skynyrd-

“Libby and I both stopped and looked at each other. “Seriously?” said my wife, a very disappointed Clinton supporter. She started gripping her soft Tomme Crayeuse a little too hard. By the time Ronnie Van Zant’s drawl started in with “Big wheels keep on turnin’,” everyone in the store was standing in shock. Brows were furrowed, people mumbled to each other. The song seemed to get louder as one of those New York moments happened, when everyone was thinking the exact the same thing.”

If they had played “Gimme back my Bullets” heads would have exploded 

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Black Friday Zombies

Headlines up on Drudge-

“Seasons Beatings”


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Israel under Attack

Looks like arsonists have set fires all across Israel.In Haifa, some firefighters said they were under direct attack from arsonists.

“I know for a fact that they deliberately tried to set fire to the department’s station in Haifa to cause the Haifa fire department to be paralyzed,” Shimon Ben Ner, a senior Haifa firefighter, told Army Radio.

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The Age of the Idiot

‘TV ad showing people drumming a rhythm on baked bean cans banned on safety grounds. A Heinz television advert showing people drumming a rhythm on its baked bean cans has been banned by British regulators on safety grounds.
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ruled that Heinz’s Can Song advert should not be broadcast again in its current form after nine people complained that the ad encouraged unsafe practices or could be dangerous for children to copy. Over 1.6 million people viewed a version of the ad on YouTube…’

I’m so bloody sick and tired of this garbage. A few pants-wetters with no lives and nothing better to do than whine can deprive millions of people of something they (harmlessly) enjoy. What’s even worse is that it gives a bunch of unelected, narrow-minded assholes the power to tell us what we cannot see.
We now live in a world ruled by the lowest common denominator, and instead of making the useless bastards improve their act, governments and bureaucracies drag us all down to the level of the deadheads and fuckwits.
So…the template for the “good citizen” is some 16 year-old ignorant girlie with zero life experience and a head stuffed full of celebrity garbage and propaganda. A hysterical flower who wouldn’t  know a fact if it bit her on the ass, and that suits our lords and masters just fine.
After all, if you were building a mindless, compliant herd, would you go looking for intelligent life?

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