“Mad Dog” Mattis for SECDEF?

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‘Zebra Killings’

From the esteemed Col. B. Bunny

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Jeff Sessions-May prosecute Sanctuary Cities


I hope Trump and the GOP can Bull doze him right through to nomination.That would work the lefties into a froth! :twisted:

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Open House

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Those with Twitter accounts,take a look at this-

A new alternative is about to come online that seeks to end the rampant censorship currently flooding Twitter’s offering-


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How Chinese Colonization will Crash the World Economy

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The Truth about Fake News

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Republicans now control record number of State Legislatures

Let’s hope they get a bit more bold-


Republicans added to their historic 2014 gains in the nation’s state legislatures with the addition of five state House chambers and two state Senate chambers in last week’s election, while Democratic control was reduced to levels not seen since the Civil War.

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If you’re gonna leave,leave,don’t talk.

Deloitte warns it will move business out of Britain if May cracks down on immigration.


“Mr Sproul said that their ability to recruit the brightest and the best from outside of the EU was vital to their success.”

Can’t hire native born Brits?


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And they tell us it is new….

WW2 Survivor’s Account Draws Chilling Similarities between Nazism and Liberalism…

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